An End To The Eras

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I had slept peacefully for the duration of the 8 hour flight to Detroit. When I'd woken Karlie was by my side fast asleep holding a book open on her lap, I looked around me and my mum was asleep too.
We had flown first class, and apparently we were being put up in a Hilton hotel in a nice town called Rochester, just outside of Detroit.
Even after just over a month I still could not get used to the fact that everything had been a lie. The brain was such a powerful vessel.
Although the situation still had brought me to Eminem's door. I'd gotten so much attention through press and media that it was bound to get his attention.
Everyone woke up as we touched down and the pilot welcomed us to Detroit.
I looked out of the window as we arrived in DTW. It looked to be a grey, muggy day, a far cry from how I was feeling, all sunshine and rays.

"Good sleep?" I smiled to Karlie who straightened herself out,

"Mhmm... You don't get that on economy. Are we here?"

"We are"

"You look so nervous" she stroked my thigh, which turned into a cuddle,

"I am Karlz"

"Well don't be. Everything's going to be just fine"

"Come on girls, I want to get off this plane" my mother walked up to us,

"Didn't you find it comfortable?" I frowned and got out of my seat,

"Darling it's nothing short of what myself and your father are used too. I just hate planes"

"Hmm" I disregarded her snootiness and received my handbag from one of the flight attendants.

Our hotel room was beautiful. But I couldn't help but feel like I'd stayed in suites like this for half of my life. My fake life. If anything the coma had ruined this for me, because it felt like the normal, when in actual fact I'd never been all over the world staying in places like this with Marshall. I never ran my own business and I wasn't classed as a celebrity icon in the fashion and dance industry. I didn't have my own chauffeur, I didn't live in a mansion and I wasn't that woman... I was just me, working as a pen pusher. The only good thing about it all was that I was young again.
I'd spent the duration of the run up to this trip watching videos of Eminem, and learning what he still looked like, because he wasn't the guy I envisioned in my long term dream, wearing jeans and stylish leather jackets, way older too. He was baby faced again, youthful and crazy. I'd envisioned his whole career, and saw how successful he could become, but his career right now, in real life was just taking off. This was so crazy to me. And for him to tell me that I'd predicted things that only people in his personal circle knew, how was that humanly possible? What, did I have powers now? Being able to see into the future? What was going on with my mind, my brain?
We got a full tour of the suite and then was left alone, so the first thing we decided to do was get ready and then go to the hotels restaurant for a big fancy meal.

I had two people approach my table who knew about my story, and they were incredibly police and really nice, I even had a photo with one of them. Both were women.
I hadn't ate much, how could I on this stomach, my nerves were shot,

"You won't want to order dessert will you?" Karlie frowned at my almost untouched plate of food that was being cleared,

"No. I just... I could go for a drink"

"Well how about you two girls go and try out the bar, I want to go and see what spa facilities this hotel has to offer" mother stood up, re-applying her red lipstick in the little mirror that she carried everywhere,

"Are you sure mum?"

"More than sure. You girls need to enjoy this experience, rather than dragging me along like dead weight"

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