Chapter 2

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After his incredible encore finale it was manic backstage as everyone started to pack up, I didn't stay around as we all got rushed straight back to the RV, I was surprised to say the least when it was only myself and Marshall on his vehicle, he straight away got undressed and went into the onboard shower, I picked up his clothes and grossly his hat, tshirt and hoodie was soaked in sweat, it didn't smell bad because obviously it was clean sweat, it almost kind of had a chlorine-ish tinge to it,

"What do you want me to do with your clothes Marshall?" I shouted through the door,

"Throw 'em out" he shouted back,

"Are you kidding?" I frowned,

"Throw 'em" he repeated, he could of at least thrown his hat out to the crowd if he was just going to dispose of it. I smirked to myself as I tightly wrapped up his garments and put them into a carrier bag and then into my ginormous designer handbag, I thought that I may as well ship them over to my cousin who was a huge fan for an extra christmas gift, he was around the same stature as Marshall so he could wash the clothes and wear them himself,

"Yo, baby?" Marshall popped his head around the door, steam leaked out from behind him,

"Yes?" I turned around,

"Could you go get me a towel from the bedroom"

"Sure" I went to go get him one, when I walked into the room I was surprised to see a double bed set out in a rather spacious luxury room, it was very very nice, I looked to my left and saw a pyramid of unused guest towels poshly wrapped up with a silk bow, as i untied it to get him a towel a little smirk took over as I firstly came upon a little hand towel,
"This'll do nicely" I took it back with me.
"Marshall" I knocked on the door, I could hear that the shower had been shut off,

"Ay thank y.. fuck do you expect me to do with this?" He chuckled as he took the little towel and frowned at it,

"Dry yourself?" I smiled, he shook his head, wiped what looked to be his groin whilst being behind the door and then threw it back at me!
"That's disgusting!" I laughed,

"Go get me a bigger one" he closed the door.

After being fully clothed again we was finally on the move to his next destination Chelmsford which was apparently just over a 3 hour drive. All the curtains on the RV were closed shut and unlike his past tour busses this one was blank and advertless, I guess it was to avoid any attention being brought to his coach,

"You want a drink?" He asked me as he went over to the fridge,

"Do you have any alcohol?"

"Got some uh.. got some whiskey?"

"Yeah okay, I'll have one of those"

"You think I'm making it?" He sniggered as he rehydrated himself with bottled water,

"Ever the gentleman aren't you" I got up, he looked at me with a little lust behind his stare as his eyes followed me around,

"I'm starting to feel you don't know me at all" he went and sat down, his eyes still on me as I finished mixing the whiskey with some Diet Coke that I'd found,

"I feel like I don't" I took the glass and sat with him, he smelt so good, my heart rushed every time that our eyes connected,
"So where's the others?" as I sat beside him I felt that sickening feeling that you would get if say your crush would message you out of the blue, excited yet so nervous but in the best way possible, that same feeling that was so damn strong it would make you not want to even eat or drink,

"You should know I travel solo, i can't do with all the smoking, the drinking and shit, I'm gettin' old"

"Old?" I chuckled,

Meeting Marshall Mathers: The Recovery EraWhere stories live. Discover now