Chapter 9

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After 2 months of appearances and interviews, Australia was geared up for the arrival of Marshall tomorrow to continue on his Recovery tour, I was helping him out by sorting out his tour outfits and by the time I was finished doing that the last films on his laptop would have finished downloading. He wasn't even going to bother taking any entertainment aside from his trusty compact CD player but I'd persuaded him to take the laptop to watch films for the long journey ahead.
I was unable to go with him because Karlie's flight was due tomorrow, she'd airmailed all her things over so I had hired help to get her house all set up and ready for her to move into straight away. I was so excited to see her over here and I'd already had my office at the dance studio altered for two people to work in, the workers were all excited to see and meet the infamous Karlie who I would constantly talked about.

"Marshall!" I finished vacuum packing the bag that held his jackets, it kept the new clothing crisp and fresh,

"Ay thank you" he came into the bedroom to take the bags down to Tracey,

"Oh, don't let Tracey go just yet, the laptops nearly done"

"Alright" he quickly left the room. I stood up from the floor and stretched, we'd been up since 8am and we was still going at 2pm. I was knackered and in dire need for a caramel latte, I looked at the computer, there was still 10 minutes left to go so I decided to go and get my coffee...

"Oh hi Paul!" I didn't expect to see him in the kitchen, he was on his laptop frowning with deep concentration, looking busy,

"Hey" he gave a short smile without taking his eyes off of the computer screen,

"Would you like a coffee?" I asked as I put a mug under the coffee maker,

"An expresso wouldn't go a miss" he groaned tiredly as he rubbed over his eyes,

"You look... tired" I leant against the kitchen unit and folded my arms,

"Understatement of the century" he grinned,

"You guys set for tonight's flight?" I tended to his coffee,

"I don't want to even think about the flight right now" he took the expresso from me,
"Thank you"

"You're welcome" Marshall then came into the kitchen,

"Gidday mate" he came behind me, hooked his arms over my shoulders and pushed a kiss into my cheek,

"You should give some of this energy to Paul" I chuckled as I made my coffee. Marshall was walking around clapping his hands and making some sort of a trumpet noise,

"Hey! Yo Paula!" He started on Paul in a funny accent,
"Paula we're gonna do some shows! Paula..."

"Marshall, don't be a dick..." He tried to concentrate on the laptop,

"Paul... Pauline... Paularamasumalama..." That one made me giggle,

"Jodie go get me a really sharp kitchen knife, I'll cancel the shows, you clean up the mess"

"No problem" I laughed,

"Dear Paul oh my old friend.. I always liked you but you always liked to go..." Marshall started to comically sing,
"I loved you from the classroom window..."

"Not that shit again" Paul held the bridge of his nose in frustration,

"... But you were busy making girls like me miserable... chasing the high school girrrrrls"

"I'm not even going to ask" I laughed, Marshall then laughed too as Paul shut down the laptop lid,

"It's a fucking lame song he's found on the internet" Paul sighed, Marshall was now preoccupied with eating some nuts, he was like a big kid, his attention could shoot elsewhere in a matter of seconds,

Meeting Marshall Mathers: The Recovery EraWhere stories live. Discover now