Chapter 8

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Tonight was Marshall's 39th birthday and boy had I taken every opportunity to make fun of him for almost touching 40, I'd managed to wind him up as much as possible, what was the point in having a fiancé if you couldn't annoy them, especially about their age.
He'd spent the beginning of day with his family and during the after he'd been back and fourth between places and even a few of his close friends had come over and spent a few hours celebrating in the studio and watching the game, he didn't want a big deal, he was never one to celebrate his birthdays, he saw it as a waste of time for adults, and to be honest I completely agreed with him.
I was glad that evening was coming in thick and fast because this portion of the day was ours to spend together.

"Are you..." Marshall came into the bedroom and stopped mid sentence as I looked up at him from the mirror, fixing an earring,

"Almost" I knew he was coming to check if I was ready or not. He'd changed into a grey long sleeved top, black baggy jeans, sand coloured timberland boots, and a black beanie hat, a white Gshock was fixed to his wrist too, probably to pop some colour,

"Aight. Well I'll meet you down stairs" I smiled and nodded before returning my gaze back to the mirror, I felt good about what I was wearing, a floor length, black, silk fitted dress, which had a high slit going up the right side. It was beautifully elegant but sexy too with how it was fitted to all the right places. My hair fell around me, straight but bouncy from my blow dry and it smelt so lush with the new coconut scented products my hair stylist had got her hands on.
I pursed my lips and glossed them and put back on my engagement ring, I'd took it off to moisturize after I'd had my shower and usually I'd always forget to put it on and Marshall would always be on my case for it often thinking I'd do it on purpose.
It felt good to get dolled up and I couldn't wait to give Marshall my gift.

After a half hour drive or so we'd finally reached the extravagant restaurant that I had hired out for us, a top floor suite with a beautiful, winter sun-setting view over Lake Michigan. Eating out wasn't Marshall's favourite thing to do but it was something that as a couple we had not done for quite some time.
Once we'd sat down and got comfortable we then ordered. Firstly our drinks came to the table, he looked comfortable and happy as he talked to me over the candle lit table, telling me about his day, his eyes were bright and reflecting the candles flame beautifully. I was lost in him as I basked in his company, it was so difficult to spend time alone together these days especially with how busy he was again preparing to go on tour,

"Yea so Fif pretty much fucked with that.. I told him don't get too wrapped up in the broad, from what he told me you could pretty much tell off the bat that she's looking to boost her social platform, you know? What's.. wrong?" He paused,
"Feels like you're burning a hole in my face" he somewhat blushed at my gaze,

"I don't know..." I softly smiled at him,
"It's just... nice to enjoy you" I flirted with my eyes, I could tell that he was drinking up my body language towards him, he sat forward and folded his arms on the table,

"Yea, you too. You're fuckin' beautiful, and honestly... I wish we had more time to do this"

"Yeah?" I smirked,

"Yea, You're eyes, they uhm.."

"Mr. Mathers are you blushing" I grinned playfully as I raised my foot softly up the inside of his leg,

"Slow down" he was stifling a smile and took a drink to hide it,

"I guess I should... wouldn't want to bring on a heart attack now would we grandpa"

"Yo would you stop with that"

"Sorry" I winked,

"Anyways I just wanna you know, thank you, you've picked out a neat spot here" he cleared his throat and extended out his arm, we joined hands over the table, he looked at his thumb stroking over the top of my hand, I was waiting for his words to flow as he smiled to himself,
"Another year older wit' you" his thumb ran over my engagement ring,

Meeting Marshall Mathers: The Recovery EraWhere stories live. Discover now