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Of course, that wasn't going to be the end of the discussion. But we had more pressing issues to consider. Now that I'd escaped, what was the coven's next move?

Thomas had found me by following my scent. He said he could find me anywhere by the smell of my power. It might be gross, but I believed him.

Dominic had sensed his bond with Lucas fade and then disappear as their pack connection disintegrated. It had been enough to lead him across the country from London to Sheffield.

The others wouldn't be far behind.

I went into the bedroom for some privacy to call Emily. As I'd guessed, they were turning off the motorway on the way into Sheffield as we spoke.

Apparently Roger was less than happy that I'd taken off with another man. He wouldn't be convinced that I'd been abducted. He claimed that his date and his security guards had abandoned him, and that I now owed him a further boon for taking the men that he had paid to protect him.

"They found the empty vodka bottle, Alice. The cushions were scattered all over the floor like you'd been rolling in them. The vamp went mad when he stormed in and saw the state of the room."

"What changed your minds?"

"Stephen. He took one look around the room, and stated that you would never renege on your agreement with Roger, knowing that his help with Mary was at stake."

Warmth spread through me at the confidence that Stephen had shown in me.

"When he had acknowledged the truth of what Stephen said, Thomas looked more closely at that bottle. There was poison residue in the vodka. It must have really done a number on you guys. It takes a lot to knock out a werewolf."

"You knew what he was? Why didn't you tell me?"

"What does it matter? It's not like there are any in Sheffield. I didn't think you needed another group of creatures to worry about."

I groaned in response to Emily's misguided attempt to protect me.

"What?" she asked.

"I'll explain when you get here."

Disconnecting the call, I sat on my bed for a minute, utterly exhausted. What I needed more than anything was some sleep, but that wasn't going to happen with the coven on the attack. Instead, I headed for the shower in the en suite. I couldn't face the others yet, so I grabbed some old sweat pants and a pullover that Stephen had left here while he was using the apartment as his own.

Peeling the remnants of my extremely expensive dress from my dirty cold body, I couldn't help feeling every rip in the silky fabric and every missing sequin. I was unlikely to own anything like this again, and it had lasted less than twelve hours. I didn't want to dwell on what that said about me.

Stephen's shower gel was comfortingly familiar, and the big fluffy towels were the ones that we'd shared as a couple. I emerged smelling of Stephen and dressed in his clothes. I didn't realise what a problem that would be until I saw the look on Thomas's face.

It was comically mirrored by Lucas.

It took everything I had not to face-palm. These guys had got to give me a break.

Of course that was the moment that Emily came bursting into the room. She skidded to a halt, immediately assessing the threat levels like the professional that she was.

Having skimmed over the source of all the ridiculous testosterone in the room, pausing in surprise when she reached Evan, Emily's eyes finally landed on me. Her laugh was as loud as it was unexpected. More like a camel than anything that you would expect to come out of a petite woman.

Testimony of Children (Alice Gray Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now