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"I'm Alice, by the way," I said, offering my hand, even though we were way past the time for introductions.


That gravelly voice held a rumble that I felt to my core. Taking my hand in his large, warm one, Lucas met my gaze. His heat poured into me from where our skin touched, spreading through me, soothing my frayed nerves and banishing my anxiety.

"Nice trick."

"Thanks, it comes in handy. And by the way, my arrangement with Bingham is purely financial. I still think you must be mad to have taken a favour from him. That guy is warped."

"Don't worry, I know all about Roger," I said, really wishing that it wasn't true.

The crowd had thinned, and I realised that Lucas was leading me towards the staircase to the right of the foyer. Glancing back, I was relieved to see that Emily still had eyes on me. She didn't look concerned, so I took that as permission to follow Lucas.

Not that I needed permission. Much.

Halfway up the wide staircase, I began to wonder if I should have asked Emily to stay with me after all.

"I said I needed air."

"I know a place. Trust me," Lucas replied.

"Erm, I don't know you Lucas. I don't even know what you are."

"You can sense my emotions though, right? You'd know if I meant you harm."

"I guess."

I wasn't entirely convinced that was the case. True, I could sense his amusement, and there were definitely no negative vibes coming from him. But everything I got from him was fuzzy and imprecise.

My hand drifted to my pendant. Dread filled me as I considered that Lucas may have fallen victim to my power. What if his intentions towards me weren't as friendly as they seemed? What if they were more than friendly?

"Relax, I'm just giving you the chance to catch your breath. No one deserves the attention of all those fangs, not to mention the witches and politicians. You're like catnip to those guys."

"I'm not worried," I answered, taking a deep breath to calm my heartbeat.

Lucas threw me a sceptical glance. I wasn't the only one with skills of intuition around here.

What the hell was this guy?

"You want to get a bit of peace before re-joining the party, right?"

"Sure," I muttered, glancing over my shoulder as I followed Lucas down a short corridor.

He produced a key and held the door open. With one last peek at the empty corridor, I followed him in. There was no way he could be worse than Roger, right?

A gasp escaped as I took in the room. It was an old fashioned library, completely out of place in the faux classical mansion. Rows and rows of books reached the ceiling. Wheeled ladders gave access to platforms designed to let you reach the high shelves lining each row. Rich brown leather sofas were arranged in a square around a large fireplace that crackled and spat as though it had just been lit.

Lucas wandered over to a bar in the corner and retrieved a bottle of vodka and two shot glasses.

"Why do you have access to Roger's library?"

"Perks of security."

I eyed the bottle warily as Lucas flung himself on one of the sofas with more familiarity than I thought was appropriate for the hired help.

Testimony of Children (Alice Gray Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now