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"What?" I spluttered at Ben's rapidly retreating form. Even a big guy like Ben didn't want to face my wrath after dropping that bombshell.

As I closed the door, I noticed a thick cream envelope sitting on the hallway shelf. It was addressed to me. The sneaky bastard had slipped it on there on his way out. No wonder he was running.

The invitation was to a formal party hosted by Roger. My skin crawled at the thought of having to be close to him again. Tiny pin pricks of disgust rippled over my skin, as my mind couldn't quite banish the horrific images his magic had sent me.

One date would be all it took for me to convince him that courting me was a bad idea. Maybe it wasn't so high a price to pay. God only knew what he'd ask for my second debt.

"What the hell does courting involve these days anyway?"

Stephen shrugged, plucking the invitation out of my hand. A wide grin stretched out his mouth as he read.

A small flurry of butterflies took flight in my stomach at the beauty of his happy face. It had been a while since I'd seen Stephen smile like that. I shook myself out of it. Just because I'd acknowledged the strength of my feelings for Stephen, did not mean that I ought to surrender to them.

Plus, I really didn't appreciate the enjoyment that he was taking from my current predicament.

"Look on the bright side Alice, at least you won't be alone with him."

"What do you mean?"

Stephen handed the invitation back to me. The card was smooth and thick. Ornate calligraphy flowed over it. It took me a moment to decipher the complicated print:

You are cordially invited to attend the Bingham Annual Gala to celebrate and prepare for the Winter Solstice.

Below the formal invitation was a handwritten scrawl:

Alice, you have captivated my heart, just as you will captivate my guests as my consort. R

Roger was not requesting my company, but taking it for granted that I would comply. He had me right where he wanted me, and I really, really wanted to slap all that smugness out of him.

"Looks like I'm going to the ball, when is it, anyway?"

Turning the invitation over, I found the details of the party printed on the back. Dismay sank into my belly like a boulder of unresolved teenage angst. "But the winter solstice isn't for two days. Is he doing this just to wind me up?"

Stephen was practically beside himself, holding his laughter in. The toad knew how much the thought of dancing petrified me. He finally lost control with a huge roar of mirth. It was nearly enough to make me forget about my obligation. But not quite.

Stephen was still laughing when Emily came down the stairs.

"This wasn't what I was expecting. I thought you two might have killed each other after Alice's little field trip last night." She couldn't keep the smile from her own face. Stephen's hilarity was contagious. He bent double trying to catch his breath, while Emily inspected the invitation.

It didn't occasion the same response from her. "This will be almost impossible to scout," she said, mind shooting right back to her responsibilities as my bodyguard. "We'll have to go in with you."

"Where are we going to get an invite at this short notice?" Stephen asked, worry eclipsing his mirth instantaneously when it dawned on him that Roger's intention was to separate us.

"I think I know someone," Emily said.

She whipped out her phone and began talking in a low tone as she ran up the stairs. Stephen's gaze followed her up, brows drawn together in confusion. Looks like neither of us knew Emily's mysterious contact.

"Ok, what do you know about the Bingham's Annual Gala? And what the hell am I going to wear?"

Stephen filled me in. The more he talked, the greater the knot of dread in my stomach became, coiling round itself until my insides were one huge tangle of dismay.

The gala was an incredibly fancy affair, a meeting between the dignitaries of the supernatural community. The purpose was for them to make deals that would be fulfilled at the winter solstice, the time when power could be accessed at its most pure.

That wasn't the scary part. It was a formal ball, not only would I have to dress the part, I might have to dance!

"No way," I declared, although I didn't know how realistic my refusal was going to be, as the consort of the host. I looked at my watch, where the hell was I going to get a ball gown at half-past four in the afternoon on the day of the ball?

Emily ran back down the stairs, having finished her call. "Come on, we have shopping to do," she said, grabbing my arm and practically dragging me out the door.

The answer to all my problems, apparently, was Harrods. "Erm, Emily, I hate to spoil your fun, but Topshop is more my speed, I can't afford anything from here."

Emily flashed a grin and a credit card, "company expenses."

When faced with all the expensive designer gowns, my doubts floated away on a cloud of tulle. Beads and sequins rained down around me. It was my thirteen-year-old self's dream come true.

Then the reality of my situation hit home. I wasn't Cinderella, and there was no Prince Charming waiting for me. There was only Roger. And I couldn't afford to give him the smallest sliver of encouragement.

Or could I?

If I dressed frumpily, wouldn't that be like an admission that I couldn't look after myself? My life-force hummed in response, pushing me on to swallow my doubts and present myself at the gala with a show of strength.

That's when I saw it. A Jenny Packham gown in ivory tulle. The bodice was embroidered all over with silver leaves and flowers: an acknowledgement of my power, of who I was. A warm buzz of energy surged in my blood, filling me up, making me strong.

I wouldn't be cowed or conform to anybody else's expectations. I was my own woman. And that woman wanted to wear a princess dress.

We made our way home laden with bags. I felt a little guilty about the battering that Emily's credit card had received, but if I was going to do this thing, I was going to do it right.

Alice is going to the ball. With Roger....
What could go wrong?

Testimony of Children (Alice Gray Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now