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I think that I'd known that he was here somewhere.

James would not have come without him.

But when Thomas took James's hand and pulled him into a tight embrace a prickle of unease crawled over my skin.

Then they kissed.

I mean, they really kissed.

My mouth hung open in shock and confusion. James disengaged from the kiss and chuckled when he looked at me.

"Don't worry Alice love, that part of our relationship ended a couple of hundred years ago. We've waited for that bitch's demise for a long time. It brings back old pain and old longings."

Thomas turned to me for the first time since he entered the room pinning me in place with those deep brown eyes. Disappointment that I hadn't been his first concern soured the rush of desire that flooded my body. I was used to being the centre of Thomas's universe, and when I wasn't, it bothered me more than I thought it would.

There was no apology in his beautiful face.
Pushing my selfish emotions aside, I took a step towards him, watching his face for a clue how to proceed. His eyes softened at my hesitance, and he quickly gathered me up into an embrace of my own.

"I love you," I whispered into his ear, my mouth acting before my brain could react.

I didn't have time to regret it. My power sung as our lips connected, telling me that I'd spoken the truth. As he perched me back onto the altar, I revelled in the feeling of his hard body pushed up against mine. Wrapping my legs around his waist, I reached up and tangled my hands in his soft hair, a low moan of contentment issuing from somewhere deep within me.

I could feel his lips shift into a grin beneath mine, before his arms pulled my thighs even tighter around him. The heat from where our bodies touched fuelled the frenzy of my desire, and I started pulling at his shirt so that I could feel his skin on my own.

Noise from outside startled me into breaking away. Thomas growled in frustration. Looking around I noticed with relief that James had departed. He'd taken the body of the Baroness.
I wasn't going to think about what he was going to do with it.

I didn't care.

"Where were you? I needed you," I whispered against Thomas's cheek as my mouth hungrily sought his again.

Our lips met but before I could lose myself in him, I felt his gentle hands on my shoulders pushing us apart by the smallest fraction. I found myself staring directly into his eyes, our breath mingling in short, panting gasps. The liquid depths of his chocolaty brown eyes clouded like the sky before a storm.

"I can't do it," he whispered.

"What?" I asked, pulling a fraction further away.

"You say you need time, that I have to give you space, but then you call me back to you. I am not a plaything Alice."

It was like a slap to the face, even though I knew he was right. I hadn't been fair to him. I kept leading him on, and then pushing him away. How could I expect him to save me when I repeatedly told him to leave, that I could save myself?

I looked away, the heat of shame flushing my skin. His gentle fingers found my chin and angled my face back up so that I couldn't help but look at him again. I tried to shake them off, but his strong hand held firm.

"My intention is not to reprimand you, Alice Gray. I love you. I want to save you every single time that you get in trouble," his sensuous lips, flushed from kissing me, turned up into a smile. My own mouth mirrored his. We both knew that trouble found me wherever I was and that wasn't going to change anytime soon.

My heart stuttered at the sight of his beautiful, happy face. "I love you, you know I do," I whispered. "But all these years, decades, centuries even. I can't catch up with you in a few weeks, however much I feel it."

"Sweet girl. I can give you time. It's the space that I have a problem with," he said, a husky chuckle rumbling out of his chest.

"I think I can live with that," I smiled, pulling him back to me and slipping my hands into his open shirt, ready to lose myself all over again in his strength and gentleness.

Um, Alice, don't forget where you are, there are still things to sort out!
Hope you're enjoying the story as it nears its end!

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