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It was ten in the morning when we arrived at The World's End in Camden. Another of London's historic pubs, its basement had been converted into a night club, the aptly titled Underworld Club.

A popular location for tourists and regulars alike it was usually packed. This morning it looked like any other club after a heavy night.

The party had obviously been a good one. Pungent scents of stale alcohol, piss and vomit wafted through the air despite the efforts of a miserable looking man who was working hard with a mop and a bucket full of bleach.

My wretched hangover did not enjoy the bouquet.

At first they didn't want to bring me, but after what happened with the vampires, it was safe to assume that any well-connected member of the supernatural community already knew that I was here. My power had a unique signature, and even if they couldn't pick up on that, I'd hardly been flying under the radar with my little display at the Spaniards Inn.

The time for hiding was past, we'd brazen it out now the best we could.

Stephen engaged the unfriendly looking man who had the unpleasant task of cleaning the well-used pub. The man gestured to the pub's main entrance and went back to his work without another word.

Stephen entered first. Emily brought up the rear. We fell into this formation naturally now, the two of them maintaining their security protocols even though the power structures in our relationship had changed.

I may not have any control over it, but my magic always emerged when I was threatened, and when it did, I outstripped both my companions in fire power. Stephen and Emily knew what I could do, but they both still tried to protect me and I was glad of it. It showed that they cared, or at the very least, that they were still getting paid and were fastidious workers.

And there were two things that they had which surpassed my power: knowledge and experience. It was these things that immediately became apparent when the large, jolly looking man came striding towards us as soon as we stepped into the dark, empty nightclub.

"And how are her majesty's two best agents?"

The man was obviously a witch and a strong one, judging by the bright green life-force that glowed strongly around him. He was tall and broad, muscles straining against an overly tight shirt. Black hair was tied back at the nape of his neck, a little too full around the hairline for nature. Tight leather trousers completed his outfit.

Showy and unnecessarily revealing wasn't a look that I admired in a man.

"And Alice, is that you?"

I'd been hovering in the doorway, following Stephen and Emily's lead. Their carefully maintained calm screamed for caution.

When the man addressed me, their postures straightened and tension sucked the air out of the room.

Was this a test? If it was I had no idea what would be a pass or a fail.

All I knew about this guy was that he was an influential figure in the Southern Coven, and that he might be able to help Mary. Securing his assistance could be the only thing that prevented us having to go grovelling back to Hazel. Her price would be too high.

I swallowed, my throat suddenly dry as dust.

"Roger, this is Alice, but it seems that introductions are unnecessary," Stephen said, before I could put my foot in it and ruin Mary's chance.

"Of course it is! My brother told me all about you, dear child, although you are far lovelier in person than I could have imagined," Roger said, as he took my hand and raised it to his lips. "If you've come to thank Ben for his assistance with your father, then I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed. He's up north, resolving a coven dispute in Glasgow. But perhaps we can come to some other arrangement to settle the debt that you owe to the family."

Testimony of Children (Alice Gray Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now