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We were halfway home before I began to understand what had just happened.

Emily and Stephen's shocked expressions quickly turned to anger as soon as we left The World's End. It was only after their anger had turned to silence, and I had time to consider my words to Roger, that I began to feel anxious.

So I owed him a favour, that wasn't too bad was it? Who was I kidding? I still couldn't shift the filth that lingered in my head.

I'd experienced Roger's excitement at the pain and degradation that he so vividly imagined inflicting on Emily as if it was my own. I also understood that it wasn't just Emily that he wanted to debase. She had merely been the trigger in this instance.

Any woman would do, but the more powerful the woman, the more intense his pleasure. The realisation hit me with an unpleasant wash of clammy dread. Roger knew. He knew about my father, about my heritage on both sides. It was me that he wanted to use and destroy. I was the woman that he feared and desired most of all.


"Ok, so what happens now? You guys must have a plan, right?"

"We had a plan all right, but it didn't involve signing you over to Mr Macho Bullshit. For God's sake, we know how to deal with guys like that. All you had to do was keep your mouth shut."

A hint of panic squeaked in Emily's voice as she reached the end of her tirade.

"It's only a favour, guys. It can't be that bad."

My assurance was for show. If Emily was worried then I knew that I was in it deep. I had to push down the bubble of hysteria that was fighting to encompass my brain and fly out of my mouth.

It's only a favour, I repeated to myself, trying to banish the horrific images that Roger's life-force had pushed into my mind.

"Alice, a favour within coven law is a binding contract. When repaid, the service has to match the magnitude of the boon that was originally granted. All we can hope for now is that the aid that Roger provides for Mary does not overreach what you are willing to give him in return."

"Why didn't you warn me about him, about his perversions. You could have told me that we were visiting a woman hating sadist."

Emily and Stephen shared a worried glance. "That's a bit harsh, even for a misogynist like Roger," Emily said, doubt lacing her words even as she spoke them.

No-one replied. I'd just confirmed something that the others already suspected. There was no joy in my superior knowledge, despite how rare an occasion it was. This was the guy who thought I owed him. For two favours!

Nice one Alice. Well played as usual.

We sank into silence. The possibilities of what Roger might try to take as payment weighed heavily upon the three of us.

"Look, there are things we can do. Emily is a magistrate for the covens. She mediates between the parties for arrangements like this one," Stephen explained, after the silence had become too uncomfortable to tolerate.

"But she's human. Why do they allow her involvement?"

"A magistrate has to be impartial. And, unless you hadn't noticed, Emily is not your average human."

True, Emily was lethal, but that didn't seem enough. Then I remembered how Roger had greeted Emily and Stephen. "He called you agents. It's because of your DPA licence."

"Even the covens have to toe the line with the Agency," Emily said. "Despite having spies and double agents in every office."

"Or because of them," Stephen continued. "It's all about the politics. Control is usually an illusion. Everybody has deals going on behind the scenes. We're going to have to get you caught up with all the players. This trip is no longer about helping you control your power, Alice. We're in the thick of it now."

Testimony of Children (Alice Gray Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now