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A commotion overhead drew all our eyes upwards. It moved to the stairs, descending like thunder as the lightning bolt got ever closer.

Evan burst through the door. Jenny followed close behind, her features twisted into a malicious grin. Excitement over the prospect of violence discharged into the atmosphere in tiny shooting stars of blue energy.

Thomas pushed me behind him, holding me tightly to his back with one arm.

Peering over his shoulder, I saw Anne start towards Evan, only to stop suddenly before she reached him, everybody noticing at once that there was something terribly wrong.

Before I could process my horror, Hazel rushed over and tried to block our view with her body. Her slight frame wasn't enough to obstruct Evan's larger build.

A whispered word and the lightest touch of her hand transformed him. Distorted, rigid muscles, which were strained to uncomfortable looking angles, suddenly relaxed. The wild, hysterical grimace that disfigured his face, morphed into something that resembled the happy expression that we all knew so well.

He was no longer a gargoyle, but something, some influence of Jonathan's magic remained to taint him. My ability to see life-force aside, it was clear to us all the second that he flew through the door.

"Hey Alice, long time no see."

The bright, happy words were slightly delayed, as though they had rolled around Evan's mind before tripping out of his mouth. He shook his shoulders, loosening the muscles, before he settled back into a relaxed stance. You could be forgiven for thinking this was the Evan of old.

Hazel's body relaxed in response to Evan's, and she sat down at one of the tables. Her blue life-force was weak, its potency having been transferred to dissipate the contamination that still lingered in Evan.

Anne followed her example, slowly sitting at the next table to Hazel while shooting worried glances between them. She might not be able to see it like I could, but Anne could sense the magic interchange, and she didn't like it.

Thomas was still trying to shield me with his body. When I moved, he moved, like some old-fashioned slapstick comedy routine. Losing patience, I pushed him away. I hadn't expected him to actually go. The momentum made me stumble forward. I came to a stop just before colliding with Evan.

I glanced behind, directing a scowl towards Thomas. Raised eyebrows and amused eyes met mine.

Bastard, he'd done that on purpose.

Smoothing out my expression, into what I hoped was a relaxed smile, I faced Evan. He was dressed in washed out jeans and an old band shirt, much like the day we'd first met. His blond hair was longer and messy. Glancing down, I noticed that his feet were bare.

A lump wedged in my throat as I saw how like and unlike he was to the man I'd met a month ago. His pale blue eyes crinkled at the corners as he smiled at me, but the light that used to shine there was absent. Instead, something dull and sinister marred his handsome, young face.

Tiny particles of silver zipped to and fro, tendrils floating behind unable to connect, lying dormant in his life-force. Shuddering, I wondered what the catalyst would be.

I really hoped it wasn't me.

Evan reached a hand out to me. I stepped back before I could stop myself. Hurt flashed over his features and his shoulders sagged in defeat.

"I guess I deserve that."

"You deserve a lot more than that, Evan, but I think we should talk about this in private."

"No," Thomas and Hazel said in unison, a note of panic in both their voices.

"Look, Evan and I have a few things to straighten out between us, there's no risk to either of us, right?" I directed the last part of the sentence to Evan, who glanced down, a blush heating his pale face.

"Fine, you can use the storeroom, we'll be just out here the whole time." Hazel pointed to a door off the main room of the restaurant. She shot a stern look of warning to each of us. I didn't know which one of us she thought was the threat. I don't think she did either.

Thomas caught my arm before I could follow Evan. He gave the slightest shake of the head. I shook him free and quickly walked into the room.

"You can't be serious!" Jenny seethed. "She's destroying him!"

Hazel shut Jenny down with a look that could halt an army. "You and I need to talk about who is in charge here, girl. I told you he was to be kept in isolation."

I did not envy Jenny right now.

More importantly, as I found myself standing uncomfortably close to Evan in the small storeroom, why did he need to be kept in isolation?

Uh oh! What's wrong with Evan? ⭐️ if you want to find out!

Testimony of Children (Alice Gray Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now