Chapter 3 - The First Day

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Skie jumped out of the car as soon as it stopped and grabbed her bag. "I've got to run to my meeting, I don't want to be late."

"I'll grab your bag for you," Raven offered. Skie nodded her thanks.

"Have a great day, girls. We'll see you soon." Mrs. Matthews pulled both her daughters into a quick hug.

"Remember what I told you." Their father gave the two sisters a look.

"Yes Dad." Skie muttered. Raven grabbed both bags and the two girls hurried into the school. Once they were inside, Raven slowed down.

"Your meeting isn't for another 15 minutes."

Skie sighed. "Did you want to hang around Dad lecturing us about proper behavior any longer?"

Raven rolled her eyes. "Definitely not. Thanks for the excuse to get out."

"Any time." Skie smirked. "You wanna bring my bag to my room for me anyway?"

Raven gave Skie a look and tossed her bag back to her. Skie laughed and made her way to her new dorm room.

"Skie! You made it!" Danielle grinned as Skie entered the room.

Skie grinned at her roommate. Unlike the previous years, she was sharing a room with Danielle. Izzy had moved to Arizona over the summer, and Madi had offered to be the 4th person in their suite. Although Madi had changed a lot since their first year, Skie and Danielle were both much more likely to get into a conflict with Madi, unlike the infinitely more passive Hannah, so the girls had swapped around.

"Hi Dani! Are the others here?" Skie set her bag on the unmade bed and gave Danielle a hug.

Danielle rolled her eyes. "I know I gave you and Hannah permission to call me that, but you'd better not use it outside this room, got it?"

Skie smirked. "Whatever you say."

"In answer to your question, Madi's here. Hannah will be here in a few hours."

"You called?"

Skie looked over as Madi entered the room. "Maddison."

"Little baby Skylar." Madi teased, then pulled her into a hug. "Missed you, biatch."

"Oh please, you two will be fighting by next week." Danielle grinned in spite of herself.

"Not with this one being head girl."

"Oh, I have to run! I've got a meeting in 8 minutes." Skie pulled away from Madi. "I'll be back in a bit, ok?"

"Good luck Matthews." Madi grinned and left to continue her unpacking.

"Knock 'em dead, Skie." Dani smirked.

Skie gave her a wave and hurried off. When she reached the outside of the office, she saw Lil and Hazel leaning against the wall, talking. 

"Hey guys!"

"Hi Skie!" Lil turned and gave her a bright smile.

"Hey there kiddo, you ready?" Hazel pulled Skie into a one armed hug and ruffled her hair playfully.

"Hey!" Skie protested with a laugh. She smoothed down her hair and straightened her uniform, which she was already wearing. 

"Shall we go in?" Lil asked.

"Sure." Skie quickly checked to make sure both her socks were neat.

"Hazel, will you be joining us or should we expect you in three minutes?" Lil smirked.

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