Chapter 19 - Situations

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Skie was concerned.

It was Thursday, the next day, and she'd been looking to catch Nikki all day. The girl was simply too good at avoiding her, it seemed. It was after classes now, and Skie was hoping she would see Nikki leaving a classroom.

Skie really wanted to be able to find Nikki. She'd been worried ever since the girl had run out of the DR the day before. She'd hurried after her after taking a moment to get her thoughts in order, but Nikki had already disappeared. Skie didn't know why Nikki had run away, and she was scared that she'd somehow messed up and punished the girl without cause again. But I felt so certain. And she was literally caught pushing Megan, right?

Skie shook her head, starting down another hallway, still in search of the younger girl. However, to her utter dismay, that hallway ran past the door to the guidance office, and as she hurried along, she almost ran straight into Mrs. Thompson.

"Skylar, what good timing! Could you step into my office for just a moment?" Mrs. Thompson placed a hand on Skie's shoulder, guiding her to do just that. Skie let out a quiet sigh as the door closed behind them, not noticing the grey eyes watching her from around a corner.

"So, Skylar, we've received the results of your test."

Skie tightened her jaw, preparing herself for the worst. "And?"

"The test results indicate that you do not has Asperger's Syndrome, which is a common type of autism found in children. However, it does indicate that you are likely on the high functioning end of the autism spectrum."

Skie blinked a few times. "So I do have it?"

"It's very likely, yes."

"How come it's only likely?" Skie felt a bit of confusion and frustration rising inside her.

"It can be difficult to place exactly where on the spectrum children with autism fall, and as I said, you are on the high functioning end. That means that you don't need a lot of assistance."

Finally some good news. "But I have it."

"We have diagnosed you with high functioning autism, yes."

Skie stood up. "Great."

"Skylar, we'll be meeting with you and your parents to work out what sort of accommodations would be most helpful to you in the next few weeks. Until then, if you have any questions, please ask. We do want to help you through this." Mrs. Thompson gave her usual simpering smile.

Skie hummed in understanding, just barely acknowledging the woman's offer, before hurrying back into the hall, thoughts of Nikki now out of her mind. And back to Hazel and Raven's dorm I go, I guess.

Skie hesitated for a moment. I really should tell my friends. I promised Dani. After a second though, she shook her head. I need time. 

I just need more time.


It was the next morning, and Skie wasn't feeling great. She still hadn't seen Nikki, and she also had avoided telling her friends about her diagnosis the night before. I'm so ready for this week to just be over.

It was right before breakfast, and Skie was walking slowly towards the cafeteria, keeping an eye out for Nikki. As she walked, she felt her pager buzz in the pocket of her blazer. Pulling it out, she read the message.

Skie to the office, please.

Skie raised an eyebrow. No reason? Her heart quickened as a million scenarios flashed through her head, and she quickly headed in the direction of the office, again missing the gray eyes watching her from an alcove of the quad.

Skie nodded to the secretary, then tapped at the Headmistress' door before entering. 

"Good morning, Skie." The Headmistress smiled pleasantly, but Skie could see a few lines on her forehead. On the side of the desk, a tall girl stood, and Skie recognized her as the Upper Head girl.

"Good morning, Ma'am. Is everything alright?" Skie fiddled with the edge of her blazer nervously.

The Headmistress nodded for Skie to take a seat before leaning forward slightly. "We have a bit of a situation, Skie."

"Is everything ok? Did someone get hurt?" Skie's fingers tightened around her blazer.

"No one is hurt, don't worry. Our upper head girl, Luna Warren, was walking past the lower Discipline Rooms earlier today when she noticed the door to one was slightly ajar. When she went in to see if anyone was in there, she noticed that the files tablet had been removed from its cupboard. Did you take it out for some reason, Skie?"

Skie shook her head quickly. "No, Ma'am. I was in there last on Wednesday and I had it in the cupboard plugged in."

The upper head, Luna, spoke up. "Do you know why the door was open?"

Skie shifted uncomfortably as the girl's blue eyes bored into her. "Um, no, I don't. I thought I locked it Wednesday, and like I said, I haven't been in there since."

"Hmm." Luna crossed her arms and leaned back. Skie squirmed again, feeling like she was in trouble even though she was certain she'd done nothing wrong.

"Well, that's unfortunate. I was hoping you'd simply grabbed it for some reason." The Headmistress sighed. "It seems like we have a thief."

The word 'thief' made Skie wince slightly. "It wasn't me, Ma'am, I swear."

The Headmistress gave her a gentle smile. "I believe you, Skie, and I'm not accusing you."

"But you are one of the few people who can get in there." Luna spoke up. She didn't sound like she was blaming Skie, just stating the facts. "There are only so many people with keys. So either the door wasn't locked, or someone with a key got in there."

"I really do think I locked the door." Skie tried her best to remember, but so much had happened that it was all a blur. "Is there security footage?" She asked hopefully.

"No, unfortunately. We can't have camera's in the DR's for obvious reasons, and the camera in the hallway outside has had a work order on it for weeks. And there's far too many people who have passed that hallway between yesterday afternoon and this morning to be able to tell from the other cameras." The Headmistress sighed.

"What are we going to do?" Skie asked nervously.

"We'll see if we can hear anything about it from the other students, but if no one finds anything by the end of the day, we'll have to openly announce a request for information." The Headmistress sighed again. "That would likely cause quite an uproar, and I'd prefer to resolve this quickly and quietly, so Skie, Luna, if you find anything out, please page or find me as soon as you can."

Both girls nodded and gave a "yes, Ma'am" before the Headmistress nodded for them to go. As Skie left, she couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

Today is about to get very complicated.

AN: To be continued....

Also, Merry Christmas to everyone!!! I love you guys!

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