Chapter 15 - Cornered

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Drinking tea with Nikki hadn't been what Skie had expected to be what calmed her down, but it had worked. By the time she made her way back to her dorm room, she felt a bit more confident, especially now that she knew Nikki wouldn't tell anyone about what she'd heard.

I'm not telling my friends yet. Nothing's certain and they don't need to worry.

Skie pushed the door opened and paused as she noticed all three of her roommates sitting in the room, watching her as she walked in. "What?"

"Where were you?" Madi asked, sounding suspicious.

"In the DR, dealing with someone." Skie responded. It was technically true, and she hoped they wouldn't pick up on the fact that her face was growing hot.

"Who?" Hannah asked softly.


Madi snorted. "That brat again?"

"She's not a brat." Skie snapped without thinking. She took a step back as she noticed the surprise on all her friends faces. 

"You've called her a brat, Skie. Did something happen?" Dani spoke gently, putting a hand on Madi's arm as she did so. Madi looked annoyed but stayed quiet.

"I don't know. We talked, I guess. I think maybe I understand her a little better." Skie shrugged and made her way further into the room, trying to act casual. "Why are you all here?"

"This is an intervention." 

Skie raised an eyebrow. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me, Matthews. There's something up with you, and you aren't telling us, and that doesn't work. So spill." Madi stood up and walked closer to Skie. Skie took a few steps backwards, trying to stay far enough back from Madi that the height difference wasn't as noticeable.

"There's nothing up with me."

"Oh really? So you just disappear from class all the time and now all of a sudden you and this new girl are all buddy-buddy despite her being a horrid brat to you for the past month? Because I don't buy that, Skylar Matthews." Madi had Skie cornered, and they both knew it.

"You can tell us if something's going on, Skie. Just don't lie to us, please." Hannah joined Madi, the two girls now blocking Skie in against her bed.

Skie felt trapped, literally and figuratively. She hadn't even got a chance to talk to Hazel and Raven about what Mrs. Thompson had said, the only other person who knew was Nikki. That's still not certain. And I don't want anyone to know about it.  But on the other hand, there was no escaping her friends, not right now, not with them blocking her. 

Skie's fight or flight kicked in. She grabbed Madi by the shoulders and pushed the taller girl backwards as hard as she could. "Leave me alone!"

Madi fell back against Danielle's bed. She got back up with a growl and glared at Skie.


The girls stared at Danielle with surprise. It was very rare that she yelled, and everyone froze.

"Hannah, Madi, go back to your room. I'll let you know when you can come back, ok? We all need to calm down. So go." Danielle pointed towards the connecting bathroom.

"Or what, princess?" Madi sneered.

"Come on, Madi, let's go." Hannah grabbed her roommate's arm and pulled her away, not looking at anyone.

Danielle waited until they left, then sat down next to Skie on the bed. Skie hadn't moved since Dani had yelled. "You in there, Skie?"

Skie looked at Dani, and sat down slowly, feeling tears well up in her eyes.

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