she misses you while she's away on tour

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The sound of your phone ringing awoke you from your slumber.

Your eyes opened wide and you groaned a little when you saw that the room was still pitch-black, meaning that there was still some time left in the night to get more sleep.

But as the ringing continued, you realized if someone was calling you so early that it must be important. And when you reached for your phone and saw it was Ryujin, you grew worried.

"Ryujin?" You mumbled as you answered it and your heart broke a little when she let out a shaky breath at the sound of your voice.

"Y/N? I'm sorry I'm calling so early. Did I wake you?"

Worried that it might be important and she could maybe feel guilty for calling and waking you, you fibbed a little.

"No. I've been up for a little while. Can't seem to sleep. Are you okay?"

"Not really." She mumbled sadly. "I can't seem to sleep, either. I've been lying awake, thinking about you. I drifted off for a few moments, had a dream that you were here with me, and woke up feeling sad to realize you weren't. I miss you a lot."

Your heart sank a little as she said that. You missed her too. So much that words weren't enough to describe it.

"I miss you too," you said and heard her sigh before she sniffled a few seconds later. "Are you okay?"

"No. It's been so long since I've last seen you and our first anniversary is coming up next week and it pains me to know that I won't be able to spend the day with you."

"I feel the same way, Ryujin. But I know it's out of your control. You can't just come home when your schedule is so crazy and you're on a world tour."

"I know." She mumbled quietly. "I wish I could. I miss you like crazy and there's still time left on the tour so I won't see you for a while, still."

You started to chew at your lip as you really thought about it. An idea came to you. It was supposed to be a surprise, but she needed to know. She needed the comfort and something to look forward to.

So, for her, for now, you were willing to let the cat out of the bag.

"How much do you miss me?"

She chuckled a little.

"So much that it's inexpressible."

"So..." you sighed. "I was gonna surprise you with a visit sometime when you're on tour. Do you want me to visit you now?"

"Really?" She asked in disbelief. "Yes! I'd love that so much. Can you? Will you? When can you come?" She asked excitedly, making you giggle.

"Tomorrow? I'll book a plane ticket and come see you."

"I'd love that so much, y/n!" She paused and smiled to herself. "I love you."

"I love you too, baby. Can you sleep now? Get a little rest? You've got a busy day ahead and a visitor."

"I'm really excited now but yes, I'll try, for you."

"Okay, good. Feel better now?"

"Yeah," she sniffled as her heart stopped aching and started to flutter. "Love you so much. I can't wait to see you."

"I can't wait, either. I love you. I'm gonna let you go so you can rest. I'll book my ticket and try to sleep before I head out."

"Okay!" She spoke happily. "Sleep tight, sweet girl."

"You too, my love. See you soon. Have sweet dreams."

"Oh, trust me, I will." She giggled. "Goodnight."

You ended the call and quickly booked your ticket before you put your head on your pillow and squealed excitedly, already looking forward to seeing your girl again so soon.

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