you're sick and clingy (requested)

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"You're burning up," Ryujin quietly spoke as she gently placed her hand against your forehead.

Before you felt her touch, you were sound asleep.

That's what you've been doing for most of the day; sleeping.

You started to feel unwell early in the morning, about three am, and you ended up getting sick about half an hour later.

It's almost two in the afternoon and you've only woken up off and on, mostly to get sick or take sips of water or get up to use the bathroom, with Ryujin's help.

Otherwise, you've been sleeping.

Ryujin was relieved to see you sleeping well because she knows how terribly sick you've been feeling. She had no plan of waking you up.

Intentionally, at least.

Because the brush of her hand on your hot skin woke you up.

You slowly opened your heavy eyes and immediately, Ryujin sent you a sad smile.

"I'm so sorry, sweet girl. I didn't mean to wake you."

"It's okay." You mumbled. "Why are you not cuddling me?"

She chuckled a little.

She's been laying down beside you for several hours, just watching you sleep when you're not awake and need to be taken care of.

But she got up a few minutes ago to get you some more medicine for your fever since it was time for you to take more and you needed it so badly.

"Don't worry, my love. I'll cuddle you again. I have to go get you some water so you can take more medicine. After that, I'll cuddle you all you want."

Before you could say a word, she kissed your forehead and walked out of the room.

Currently, you didn't feel sick to your stomach, so you got up and followed her down the stairs.

She was in the kitchen, pouring you a glass of cold water when you suddenly walked up behind her and clung to her.

"You scared me, baby," She chuckled before turning around to face you.

You immediately put your head on her chest and hugged her.

"What's wrong? Do you feel okay? Feeling worse?"

"No. I just want to be with you."

She rubbed your back and put her head on yours.

This need to be with her everywhere she goes and the need to be as close as you could to her wasn't surprising to her whatsoever.

You've been sick before and she knows through all of the times she's taken care of you, you tend to get very clingy when you're sick.

Neither of you can completely understand why but whether it's a cold or the flu, which you've got right now, you feel as though you need to be with her, always.

"It's okay, baby. I'm here." She softly spoke as she kissed your head. "Are you hungry? Want some soup or crackers?"

"No. I just want you."

"Okay." She smiled and continued to comfortingly run your back. "I've got your water. How about we go back up to bed? We can cuddle."

"Okay." You said and pulled away from her.

You took the stairs slowly and Ryujin was behind you every step, one hand on your back while the other held your glass of water.

You got back into bed just a moment later and you quickly swallowed the pills with a few sips of cold water.

She laid down beside you and let you curl up as close to her as your heart desires.

You kept your head on her chest, clinging to her like a little koala, and she just rubbed your back and watched you fall back asleep.

"I love you, baby. Have sweet dreams. Feel better soon."

"Love you too." You mumbled as you drifted off to sleep, much more content with her cuddling you.

Ryujin Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now