breakfast via video call (requested)

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You sat up in bed after turning off the alarm on your phone.

It's about seven in the morning here in Seoul and you're still so tired but it's time for you to get up because you've got a very important call coming up in just a few minutes.

You sent a quick text to your girlfriend before going into the bathroom to quickly brush your teeth before you walked out and grabbed your phone.

Heading downstairs, you entered the kitchen and decided to make yourself a couple of pancakes for breakfast.

Just as you finished them up, your phone started to ring. When you saw it was Ryujin attempting to facetime you.

You answered right away and your heart started to skip beat after beat when you saw her face.

"Good morning, sweet girl." She smiled through the screen and you did the same as you repeated the words back to her. "I miss you so much."

"I miss you too, baby." You said as you sat down at the table.

She was sitting on her hotel bed, a plate with a couple of her favorite breakfast foods on it sitting in front of her.

You could hear the girls' voices and laughter in the background when she went quiet for a few seconds, just putting a bite of food onto the utensils before putting it to her mouth.

"How is it there in Japan?"

"So beautiful." She said as she took a sip of water. "But it'd be even better if you were here."

You cracked a sad smile after you took a bite of your food.

You miss her like crazy. She and the girls are finishing up their tour with just a few more shows to go, their last ones being there in Japan.

"I wish I was. But it's just a few more days and then you're home."

"I'm so excited!" She grinned. "At least we get to have breakfast together. Are you enjoying yours?"

"Yeah. It's so much better because I'm eating it while I talk to you."

Her eyes sparkled before she took another sip of her drink.

"Anything going on today?" She wondered.

"No. I've got a day off so I might just spend it binge-watching the newest season of my favorite show."

"You could do that. Or, you could wait until I get home and we'll binge-watch it together." She suggested.

"I think I'll do that." You said, your heart fluttering as she took interest in your favorite show. "How about you? You've got a show tonight, right?"

"Yeah. I hear fans are already lining up outside. It's crazy." She grinned from ear to ear, speaking in between bites of her food. "I think the girls and I are just going to take it easy until we have to leave for the show. Maybe we'll go explore the city, adventure around. I'll get you some souvenirs."

"You don't have to, but it sounds wonderful."

"Anything for my girl." She said as she finished her food, putting her plate aside.

"I hope you have so much fun. Take some pictures for me?"

"Consider it done, baby. Maybe soon, we'll come here for vacation."

"I'd love that!" You said excitedly as you finished up your food.

She went quiet for a moment, simply staring at you in silence as she rested her cheek on her palm and gazed at you adoringly through her screen.

"I'm counting down the days until I get to hold you again." She said. "I love touring and being with the girls. I love seeing and meeting the fans but I just miss you like crazy. The hotel beds can get kind of cold and lonely. It can get quiet here in the rooms. I can't wait to kiss you and hug you. I think I'll lay in bed with you in my arms the entire day that I get home."

"I think that sounds like a wonderful idea." You said. "I miss you too, Ryujin."

"You look beautiful this morning."

"I'm in your shirt and my pajama bottoms and my hair is a little messy." You giggled.

"Exactly. So beautiful. Always so beautiful."

"You look beautiful." You whispered back to her and she lowered her head as a grin tugged at her lips once more.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the hotel room door and you heard talking in the background before Ryujin sighed.

"I have to get going, baby."

"Okay. I understand."

"I'll text you throughout the day."

"And you'll facetime me again tonight if you're not too tired?" You wondered hopefully.

"Never too tired to talk to you, my love." She assured. "I'll be thinking about you all day. Thank you for having breakfast with me. It's the best one I've had on tour so far."

"Can we do it again tomorrow?"

"Absolutely." She said, her heart fluttering happily. "I love you so much. Have a wonderful day. You deserve it."

"You too, Ryujin. I love you lots."

She blew you a kiss and you did the same before the call ended.

Just like Ryujin, you were also counting down the days until she'd be home, feeling even more excited each one than you did the last.

Ryujin Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now