the one (requested)

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Staring into the long mirror hanging on the wall, you took a moment to admire your reflection staring back at you.

You can't believe that the day has actually arrived!

You're getting married today!

You're in the wedding dress of your dreams, which you picked out months ago.

Your hair is done, your makeup is done.

All that's left now is waiting until you get the knock on your door that tells you it's time to take that walk down the aisle to your soon-to-be wife.

And just a moment later, there was a knock on the door and you hurried over to open it.

You thought you'd see your parents standing there and you'd be walking down the aisle with your arm interlocked with your father's.

But, to your surprise, it wasn't them.

It was a familiar face but one you didn't expect to be one on one with during this.

"Ryujin, hi!"

Ryujin was practically speechless over how beautiful you looked in your wedding dress.

"What are you doing here?"

"I, um," She paused as the words faded from her mind temporarily. "What do you think I'm here for? I'm here for your wedding, of course."

A sad smile appeared on her face following her words.

She was trying to hide how torn apart she was feeling and put on a brave face for you.

Because you're getting married today and you don't need a sad cloud hanging over your head.

So if she had to, she could try to be strong and try to focus on something else other than you marrying someone else, someone that isn't her.

"Your dress is beautiful."

"Thank you." You said as you tucked a lock of hair behind your ear. "Thanks for coming. It means so much to me."

Ryujin nodded her head and bit her tongue, trying her very hardest to hold back the words on the tip of it.

She still loves you, so much.

And she feels slightly regretful coming here today, but it was too late to turn back around and leave.

You'd be devastated.

"Y/N, can we talk?" She asked, the words leaving her lips without her even realizing it.

You were about to reply when your parents came to the door.

"Don't you look so beautiful?" Your mom said in awe, tearing up.

"My little girl is getting married today... I can't believe it." Your dad said. "And I can't think of anyone more perfect for you."

Ryujin hung her head.

Because she could.

She knew someone much more perfect for you to marry.

Her, of course.

"Are you ready?"

"Um, hang on." You said before turning back to Ryujin. "What is it you wanted to talk to me about?"

"Nothing." She said as she swallowed the lump in her throat. "It's nothing."

"You're tearing up, Ryu," You said as you noticed the tears in her eyes.

"Well, I'm just really happy for you. That's all." She lied and as you threw your arms around her, her eyes slipped shut and a tear fell down her cheek.

Her whole world was falling apart and she had to try and pretend it wasn't.

She wished it was her.

She wished she could hold you and never let go.

But as your dad cleared his throat and the music began, she knew she had no choice but to pull away.

She sent you a small smile and watched your parents lead you through the doors.

She took her seat a moment later, when you were at the altar, gazing into the eyes of the woman you'd be marrying.

"You look so beautiful." Your soon-to-be wife smiled as she stroked your cheek.

Ryujin's heart was aching unbearably and as you began to say your vows, Ryujin got up.

Overwhelmed with emotions, she left the room to go into the hall and take a breather.

And to hold back the tears that wouldn't stop falling.

All of the dreams she had, the future she dreamt of, she always thought she'd live it out with you.

She thought you were the one, always.

But now, she realizes that's never going to happen.

She knows she has to let you go.

Peeking back into the room, she saw the smile on your face until you turned your head and met her eyes.

Your smile faded when you saw the tears on her cheeks.

Instead of going back inside, Ryujin sniffled and went outside the building instead, unable to watch another second of the love of her life marrying someone that isn't her.

"I can't do this. Excuse me." You said before letting go of your almost wife's hand.

Gasps were heard as you hurried out of the room and out to Ryujin, leaving everyone confused about where you stood and what would happen next.

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