you get sick after taking care of her (requested)

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The sound of your feet on the floor as you ran into the bathroom startled Ryujin awake.

In a hurry, you only managed to turn on the light but couldn't manage to close the door, and the sound of you throwing up was heard loud and clear by her.

She jumped out of bed and rushed to your side to comfort you.

"Shh. Don't worry, y/n. I'm right here with you." She said as she pulled your hair into her hands.

Seeing you this way was breaking her heart.

She now understands how you felt just a few days ago when she was sick.

She came down with some sort of stomach bug and you, being the amazing girlfriend that you are, stayed right by her side and helped her through every terrible minute of being sick.

She's feeling much better now, the bug completely out of her system... and now in yours.

It was obvious to Ryujin what was wrong right away. Of course, caring for her would put you at risk for catching that bug, and she felt bad that you did.

As much as she loved that you were there to take care of her, she worried you'd get sick, but you insisted that you'd be okay.

But you were wrong.

"I've got you." She soothed when you whimpered and tried to catch your breath for a minute before you began to throw up again.

It was a long few minutes. You almost felt like it was never going to end.

But, eventually, you stopped.

Your stomach settled a little and when it did, you took a few deep breaths and flushed the toilet before closing the lid and dropping your forehead onto your arms as you rested them on the lid.

"Are you okay?" She whispered in your ear and you shook your head weakly. "Oh, my love." She sighed sadly. "You've caught what I had and trust me, baby, I know just how terrible you feel."

You sniffled and turned around to face her.

Immediately, she placed her hand on your forehead and, just as she thought, she felt that you were running a fever right away.

"Okay. How about we go back to bed? I'll take care of you until you feel better."

You didn't say a word. You felt too exhausted to do so.

She stood up and grabbed your hand, helping you onto your feet.

You used the rest of your energy to brush your teeth, hoping to get the gross taste out of your mouth before it would make you throw up again.

And it thankfully did.

You leaned against her when you finished rinsing out your mouth and turned off the water.

She brushed her fingertips along your spine and stood there in the quietness for a moment, letting you relaxin her loose bit warm embrace.

"My stomach hurts."

"I know, baby girl. I'm sorry. Let's get you to bed, okay?"

You nodded weakly and walked to the bed with her. You laid down and she tucked you in before laying down next to you. She tried to pull you into her arms so she could cuddle you but you resisted.

"Baby, let me cuddle you."

"You'll get sick... again."


"So, you don't deserve to go through that again."

"If I get sick again, I'll sleep in the guest room and take care of myself until it passes. Right now, you are the only thing I care about. I'm very worried about you and I want to take care of you. You did the same for me when I was sick, which you didn't have to do. I appreciate you being there for me and taking care of me. Let me do the same for you."

It was impossible to say no, especially considering how terrible you felt and how much you needed some comfort from her.

"I'll take good care of you until you feel better again. I know you probably have no appetite right now, but if you need anything, such as some soup or some crackers, let me know and I'll get you some."

"Okay. Thank you." You mumbled.

"It's the least I can do. I'm sorry I got you sick."

"Don't be. I'll be okay. I have you." You said as you started to fall asleep, your eyes heavy.

"That's exactly right; you've got me, my love." She smiled, tucking a lock of hair behind your ear. "I love you so much. Try to get some rest."

You nodded and started to fall asleep as she stroked your hot cheek with her cool hand, hoping you'd begin to feel better soon because she knows firsthand just how terrible you're feeling right now, and it's breaking her heart.

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