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"Auntie... I can't breathe." You said, clutching at my chest full of anxiety.

"It's okay sweety, we're all here. Don't panic, okay? Everything will be fine! Nothing will go wrong, I'll make sure of it." She said, reassuringly.

"I've never been more nervous in my life. I thought it was when I giving birth to Yoona." You said between heavy breaths.

"There we go, deep breaths, in and out, Y/N." She said, guided you to breathe to fell yourself calm down slightly.

"Are you ready?" She asked.

You close your eyes and inhale deeply, letting out a breath. "Yes, auntie."

"Good girl. Alright, Yoona and I are gonna go take our places. I'll call your eomma and appa. Remember, another best day of your life! I love you." She said, rubbed your arm lovingly.

Your aunt scurried out of the dressing room and went to another room where your parents and your daughter located. You started to pace back and forth in the room, trying your best not to trip over the dress.

"Honey, are you ready?" You heard your Appa's warm voice as he poked his head round the door, with your Eomma.

"Oh God..." Your Eomma gasps, her jaw dropped open.

"Why Eomma? Is there something wrong with the gown?" You asked, worriedly.

"No! The gown is absolutely perfect, honey." She said, giving you a warm hug.

You take another breath, grabbing your bouquet of flowers, hugging them to your lower chest, opening your mouth to speak.

"I'm ready."


As you stood in front of two large brown oak wood doors, you fell your Appa and Eomma move their arms, gesturing for you to link your arm with the, smiling at you with pure adoration, love and pride in their eyes, specially your Appa.

"You look so beautiful." He whispered, placed a kiss on your head.

"Thank you, Appa." You said, smiling widely at him as you blink back your tears.

Then, you heard the sound of the organ begin, caused your heart to pound accelerate more. The doors slowly open, revealing the room to you. You heard the creak of everyone turning their seats to look behind them, looking for you.

Your parents started to walk slowly entering the church with you. Your both hand gripped just as tightly to your bouquet as well as your parents holding your elbow both side.

'Y/N, Don't pull a Namjoon.' You thought to yourself as you realise, you destroying the flowers. You loosen your grip, inhaling and exhaling slowly and deeply as we reach ny destination ever so slowly.

You look up, your eyes instanly locking onto the man who's been waiting for you. His eyes never leave yours as he watches you make your way to him. His expression is soft, his eyes are loving as he looks at you. As you step closer and closer, you notice his eyes are glassy, holding back his own tears.

You very briefly look behind him, noticing the six other men lined up in the same suits, holding the same stance. Yoongi couldn't pick between the boys to be his best man, being Yoongi, so he decided to go against the rules and pick all six as his best men instead. You thought this is how it would be for when all them eventually get married. They all love each other so much, they can't leave anybody out, and you know it from the start.

As you walk with your parents to reach the altar, you look to your left and notice your Auntie wiping a tear, her smile as wide as can be while carrying your daughter, you catch her mouth saying, 'I love you' while holding your daughter's little hand, waving at you.

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