Chapter 1

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"Yeah, I'm not fucking going," Bakugou says while crossing his arms over his chest. Bakugou would much rather sit around his apartment than go to some frat party with Mina.

"Oh come on, you aren't doing anything though," Mina says with a slight pout on her face. It was true, Bakugou had no plans but he still didn't want to go to the party.

Mina lets out a bored sigh before grinning at Bakugou. She knew just the thing to make the blonde haired boy want to come.

"I heard from a little bird that Midoriya is going to be there," Bakugou glared over at Mina, he knew what she was doing and hated that it was working.

"Do you think I fucking care?" Bakugou says with a snarl on his face, he'd never admit that he actually cared.

"Oh of course you care, you've been crushing on this guy for at least a year now," Mina says with a snort, Bakugou rolls his eyes at her.

"I have not," Bakugou says with a scoff.

"Oh but you have!" Mina sings while tapping her nails against the library table.

"Yeah whatever," Bakugou says while rolling his eyes.

Bakugou has had a crush on this guy named Midoriya. At first it was a little crush but now everytime Bakugou sees Midoriya around the University he can't help but blush.

"Come on, pwease? You can leave after an hour or even sooner. I just want you to be there for a little bit, get out a little, you know?" Mina says while looking at Bakugou with her puppy dog eyes.

"I get out enough, I don't want to go Mina," Bakugou says while looking away from her. She lets out a loud sigh before scooting her chair closer to Bakugou.

"But Midoriya-" Mina whines at Bakugou. The blonde looks at Mina and sighs.

"Mina-" Bakugou tries to say but is cut off by Mina talking.

"Bakugou, just for a little bit, please?" Mina pleads, Bakugou finally gives in.

"Fine," Bakugou groans out, he knew he was going to regret agreeing to her later.

"Yes!" Mina shouts while clapping her hands together.

"I'm only staying for at least an hour," Bakugou clarifies, she nods her head.

"That's fine, as long as you get to see Midoriya," Mina says while winking her right eye at Bakugou a few times.

"Stop winking," Bakugou mumbles while flipping the page of his book that he was currently trying to read.

"Awe, come on why don't you just go up and talk to him for once?" Mina asks, a little confused. She had no trouble talking to people so she found it odd that Bakugou couldn't do the same.

"You really fucking think I'd do that?" Bakugou says with a small laugh. Bakugou was definitely an introvert, that was clear to see.

"Uh, no but I think you should try," Mina says with a smile on her face.

"Mina how long have you known me?" Bakugou asks Mina, she thinks for a minute before answering.

"Since we were kids silly," Mina says with a laugh.

"Then you know how I am," Bakugou says with a sigh. Ever since he's been a kid he had always acted this way, rather stay inside than go outside.

"That's true but Bakugou If you just-" Mina tries saying before Bakugou cuts her off.

"I don't want to, just drop it-" Bakugou tries saying but before he knows it Mina is jumping up from the chair while looking at the time on her phone.

"Oh shoot my class!" Mina yells while grabbing her school bag and laptop.

"Have fun," Bakugou says with a small smile on his face.

Bakugou didn't have any classes for the day so he stayed seated and watched her struggle to carry everything.

"Oh I'll have so much fun doing a seven page essay. Bye Bakugou!" Mina says before running out of the library.

"Bye Mina," Bakugou says with a small smile before going back to reading.

The day passed quickly, Bakugou spent most of his time sitting in the library reading while Mina cried over her essay.

As soon as Mina finished her classes she came straight back to the Library only to find Bakugou sitting on the floor next to a bookshelf.

"Are you ready for the big night?" Mina says while taking a seat next to Bakugou before digging through her school bag.

"No," Bakugou says while packing up his book.

"Cheer up, only an hour then you'll be home sitting on your couch," Mina says, pointing a finger at Bakugou.

"Can't fucking wait," Bakugou says sarcastically.

"Come on, oh and make sure to smile," Mina says before showing off her bright smile.

"I won't," Bakugou says with a sigh.

"Great!" Mina replies with a laugh.


800 words

Chapters will be somewhat edited but if any spelling mistakes are found please comment and let me know. Other chapters will be uploaded randomly, I do plan to finish this rather quickly.

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