Chapter 7

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"Wait hold on," Mina asks as she chews on more popcorn. "So you're telling me that you said no?" she asks again, this had to have been around the fifth time that she has repeated that.

"Yeah... " Bakugou says with a tired sigh. He really shouldn't have told Mina what happened. If he had just kept it to himself he would be saving himself a lot of embarrassment right now.

"All because you panicked?" Mina asks yet again.

Bakugou lets out a small groan before saying another "yeah. "

"This is probably the funniest shit I have heard all day!" Mina shouts while grinning.

"Stop laughing!" Bakugou shouts with a frown on his face. This was in no way funny to Bakugou.

He just embarrassed himself in front of the guy he likes, how worse can this possibly get?

"Seriously though! You couldn't have just said yes? It's so easy, just say yes!" Mina is losing her shit. She's laughing while holding her stomach.

"I panicked, he came out of nowhere and they just asked me out," Bakugou mumbles with a frown on his face.

Mina laughs loudly, "and I thought you were chill and cool," she says with a fake scoff.

"Stop," Bakugou says with a frown.

Mina sits up in her chair suddenly, a grin on her face. "You know what you have to do now right?"

"No? What would I need to do? Disappear out of embarrassment? I've already fucking tried that and trust me it didn't work," Bakugou grumbles while leaning back in his chair, crossing his arms.

"No you dork, you need to ask him out!" Mina shouts while smiling.

Bakugou knew exactly where this was going.

"Mina," Bakugou says, glad that she actually stops and listens to him for once.

"What?" She asks, confused.

"I can't just ask out the hottest guy, I mean look at me!" Bakugou shouts while pointing to his messy hair.

His hair almost looked as if a bomb went off on it. It was spiked in all different directions.

Mina shakes her head before a small grin breaks out on her face. "You do have a little marker on your face," she says while pointing to the left side of her face.

Bakugou's hand immediately begins to wipe at his left cheek. "Where!" he shouts with a red face.

"I'm kidding, come on Bakugou. Just go find him and ask him out," Mina says with a smile on her face. "I'm sure if you explain why you said no there should be no issues."

Of course Mina would say that.

"Are you sure?" Bakugou was positive Midoriya would say no. Midoriya has got to be pissed off with Bakugou in some way.

"Positive," Mina says with a smile on her face.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to try," Bakugou shrugs his shoulders. It wouldn't hurt to try, even if Midoriya does say no.

The worst that will happen is Bakugou staying in his dorm crying for the rest of the week.

"Yes! I'll ask around and see where he is at," Mina says while giving two thumbs up. She was the best at finding people, even if it meant having to ask around for a bit.

"Just don't let people know that I like him," Bakugou would die if others knew that he liked the green-haired man.

Mina rolls her eyes at Bakugou's words. "Oh honey, everyone already knows," she says with a smile.

"What?!" Bakugou shouts with widened eyes.

"You think everyone doesn't notice you making heart eyes at him? Please," Mina loves Bakugou but at times the blonde could be way too oblivious.

Of course, everyone knew that Bakugou liked Midoriya, how could people not see Bakugou staring at Midoriya all the time? It was obvious.

"I hate this college," Bakugou mumbles with a frown.

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