Chapter 5

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The grass crunches lightly under both Mina's and Bakugou's shoes as they walk towards the tall bleachers. It was around five in the afternoon, always the best time to come to a football game.

Well for most people. Bakugou kind of hated that the sun was still out but there was nothing he could do about that.

"Come on!" Mina says while dragging Bakugou towards the bleachers. He lets out a groan as tries to pry his arm away from Mina. "I seriously don't want to fucking be here," Bakugou says with a frown on his face.

Sure he wanted to see Midoriya looking all hot and shit but honestly, he'd rather just come later, just before the game would end so that he wouldn't be sitting in the hot as fuck sun.

"You'll have fun Bakugou, I'll be next to you for most of the night," Mina says while looking at the pouting blonde. She knew Bakugou didn't want to be here but she knew he would have fun in the end.

Bakugou glares at his friend, a frown forming on his face. "You said the whole night!" he says while glaring even harder. She always did this to him.

"Sero said he would get me some food!" Mina says, in her defence Sero promised her food but only if she sat by him. He even said he'd get something for Bakugou but the blonde immediately said no.

At times Bakugou wondered if Mina and Sero were dating but Mina always told him she thought dicks were disgusting.

What a lesbian icon.

"Whatever," Bakugou says while rolling his eyes. If it came down to it he could just pretend to get an urgent call and leave. That usually works, right?

Mina lets out a sigh, she should have told Bakugou this before saying she was only going to be around for a little bit."If you really need me to stay with you all night I can, I know this is difficult for you."

He lets out a small sigh, he didn't want Mina to have to stay with him all night and be miserable. "No it's fine, just at least come if I text you," he mumbles. He would at least feel a little better as long as he knew Mina would come if he texted.

"Of course I will, you angry goblin!" Mina says with a smile on her face.

Bakugou glares, "don't fucking call me that." She always called him these horrible childish nicknames that stuck for at least a week.

"I thought it was cute," Mina says with a grin. Bakugou rolls his eyes. "Cute in what way?" he asks.

All the while they were talking they didn't see Midoriya running over to them.

"Hey Kaachan!" Midoriya shouts with a smile on his face.

Bakugou had to make sure that he was still breaking when he laid his eyes on Midoriya, the only word that he could think of that exact moment was 'hot.'

Midoriya was way too fucking hot. Another thing that he was thinking about was that horrible name Midoriya called him.

"Oh no," Bakugou mumbles before looking at a confused Mina.

"Wait Kaachan?," Mina questions aloud. She's never heard the nickname before. If she could she would be rolling on the floor laughing her ass off right now.

Bakugou raises a hand and waves."Hey Midoriya."

Midoriya grins as he slows down to stand in front of the two friends. "So glad that you could make it, what's up Mina?" he asks while looking at the pink haired girl.

She grins,"oh you know, making Sero buy me food again."

Mina was known for doing that. In a way it was Sero's fault. He was the one who always offered to buy food. Poor Kaminari never got offered anything even though both Sero and Kaminari are good friends. (possibly more)

"Sounds like you, I heard Kirishima is going to throw a birthday party for Kaminari so you know what that means," Midoriya brings up the rumor of the party Kirishima is planning to throw. He knew if he mentioned it to Mina it could come true.

Mina smiles widely at the thought. "Oh hell yeah, free cake!" She says. Cake was by far Mina's favorite dessert.

Midoriya nods his head before remembering something else that he needed to tell Bakugou and Mina. "You two can sit over there," Midoriya points towards a row of empty seats that sat close to the field. "It's closer to the field."

"Oh I won't be sitting next to Bakugou, I'm going to pressure Sero into spending money on me all night," Mina's face breaks out in a wicked grin.

"So Bakugou will be all alone?" Midoriya asks with scrunched eyebrows. He didn't want the blonde to be alone all night. If Bakugou even stayed that long.

"Oh I'll come check on him once in a while," Mina says while waving her hand.

Bakugou frowns a little. "I'm not a fucking kid Mina," he says. She was treating him like a mom taking their kid to a park.

"Of course you're not, you are as short as one though," Mina points out his height, he was only an inch shorter than her.

"Fuck you!" Bakugou growls angrily at her.

Midoriya smiles a little as he watches Bakugou yell at Mina. His eyes widened once he saw the time on his phone. "Well I need to go get ready, hey Kaachan?"


"Make sure you keep your eyes on me tonight okay?" Midoriya says with a grin on his face.

Bakugou's nose and cheeks go pink."Uh, okay," he stutters. How could someone just say that and keep a straight face?

Midoriya smiles one last time and says "see you two later!" before runs back onto the field.

Bakugou makes sure to get a quick glance at Midoriya's ass before looking at an equally shocked Mina.

"Holy shit," Bakugou mutters to himself in awe. There was no way that just happened.

Mina cracks a small smile. "You two are so gay," she says while trying not to laugh. Bakugou looks around them to make sure no one heard her say that, "Mina!" he shouts with a pink face.

The night goes fairly well. Mina left Bakugou around the middle of the game to go bother Sero for some food.

Bakugou honestly didn't mind. He knew jack shit about football but did continue to stare at Midoriya. He may have also snuck a few pictures of Midoriya.

When Midoriya and the rest of his team won the game the Green haired male immediately ran over to Bakugou and forced him to come on the field to check out random things. (random things as in the football and shit)


1130 words

This was barely edited. I wanted to post a chapter since I haven't in two days.

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