Chapter 11

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Park?? (Dirt, cold)
Go on a picnic?
Art museum sounds to nerdy
Browse a bookstore? Boring!
Restaurant? Broke :0
Go see a movie?????

Bakugou doesn’t really know what people do on dates, it just doesn’t make sense to him. Going to a park seemed childish while going to a restaurant seemed a bit nerve racking. He had no idea where to go. He’s googling on where the perfect place to take someone out on a date was but Bakugou doesn’t want to be like everyone else. But then again he had zero bucks on him, well he has a penny in his back pocket but that’s besides the point.

Movie it is then. Bakugou then looks up on his laptop what movies were playing tonight. The blonde knew that Midoriya liked comic books and just heroes in general. He ends up finding a movie that has to do with heroes and villains, he knows for sure that Midoriya is going to love it. Bakugou isn’t really thinking about what he would like right now, he’s more focused on what Midoriya is going to like. As the day goes on both Midoriya and Bakugou send a few texts to each other. Bakugou tells him what time and where they will be meeting at the theater. The blonde doesn’t tell Midoriya what movie they will be watching, it’s a surprise. They plan to meet around six, the only time when that movie will be playing. This leaves both men around nine hours to get ready.

Bakugou spends those nine hours freaking about what he is going to wear. He sends a quick text to Mina who only laughs at his antics. Midoriya spends those nine hours attempting to style his curly hair. He ends up having to call a friend over in order to get the brush that had gotten tangled in his hair out. In the end both men are ready and out the door at exactly six oclock. Midoriya wears a simple white t-shirt with blue jeans that has rips at the knees. Bakugou wears a black long sleeve shirt with a skull on it and black sweats. Two completely different looks but fits them well. Midoriya and Bakugou live relatively close to the theater, thankfully. Both men show up at different times. Not a huge difference but Midoriya is there a few minutes before Bakugou. The blonde is a little peeved that Midoriya was there before him but there was nothing that he could do about that.

“Hey, nerd.”

“Hey! Thought you weren’t going to show,” Midoriya jokes around.

“Oh shut up,” Bakugou rolls his eyes with a small smile on his face. Being around Midoriya just felt so right to Bakugou.


“I’m buying,” Midoriya brought extra cash just to be sure he had enough. He was fine with paying. Technically he was the one who asked Bakugou out first.

Bakugou wasn’t having this though. “No you're not,” he frowns, arms crossing over his chest. “I pay or you die,” he growls.

“Aren’t you sweet,” Midoriya laughs, not bothering to fight with Bakugou over this. He knows the blonde will get his way so he rather just give up now.

“I’m a damn delight to be around,” Bakugou pays for both of their tickets before the both of them go over to the concession stand to buy some food. Midoriya is the one that ends up paying, only because Bakugou kept talking trash on how unhealthy all of the food was. Two soft large pretzels, milk duds, and sour patch kids. They of course end up buying their favorite soda to go with everything (Bakugou gets Sprite while Midoriya gets Pepsi). After buying everything that they need they then go into the actual theater room itself, they hand over the ticket before going in.

The theater room isn’t packed but there are a few small families and a few couples cuddled up with each other. Bakugou scoffs at them before choosing the seats on the very top. He believes that they are the best seats to get. Midoriya only smiles as he watches Bakugou go straight for those seats. They sit down and get everything situated, turning off the ringers on their phones and taking a huge sip from their soda’s.

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