Chapter 6

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So far Bakugou's day has been boring, not much has happened besides picking up his dorm and studying. He didn't need to worry about his classes since they were in the late afternoon. The blonde had decided to study in the library, it would be much nicer instead of staying in his dorm.

When Bakugou got to the library he was a little thankful that there weren't that many people. Most of the people that were in the library were either reading their books or doing their own damn thing. As soon as he sat down he got to looking through his notes, making sure he understood everything that was in them. The ones that Bakugou didn't quite understand he marked down so that he could speak to a teacher about them.

As Bakugou read through jis notes he had a bored look on his face. Bakugou wasn't really into studying but he knew that it would help him. As he was looking through some of his anatomy notes a familiar voice spoke to him, it was Midoriya.

"Oh hey, Bakugou!" Midoriya says, smiling as he walks over to where Bakugou was sitting. The blonde's eyes widen as he looks over at Midoriya. Why in hell is Midoriya talking to Bakugou? He was shocked to even see the green-haired male in the library.

Midoriya was smart, everyone knew this, he had a photographic memory so there was no need for him to study. Of course, Midoriya studied at times but even when he did he would never come and sit by Bakugou.

Bakugou stares for a moment before realizing that he has yet to say a word. "Uh, hey?" Bakugou's words come out more like a question.

Midoriya smiles at him before taking a seat in the empty chair that sat in front of Bakugou. "So what brings you here?" Bakugou stares at him for a moment before looking around slowly. "It's a library, so studying?" He said with furrowed eyebrows.

The tips of Midoriya's ears go red as soon as Bakugou says that. How can Midoriya be this cute? There is no way this guy was real. If Bakugou keeps seeing Midoriya around, this crush is never going to go away.

"Oh," Midoryia mumbles while rubbing at the back of his neck. He takes a second before finally giving up and says what he is up to. Bakugou stares at him and waits for him to say what he needed to say to him. "The truth is I was looking around for you."

Bakugou eyes widened at Midoriya's blunt response.

He could practically feel his heart beginning to speed up, why is Midoriya looking for him? "How'd you find me?" It wasn't hard to find out where Bakugou was at. If he wasn't in his dorm he was either in the library or in one of his classes.

Bakugou knew his cheeks had to have been a light shade of red, his crush was trying to find him come on, this is a huge deal.

Bakugou just hopes that he won't panic, he tends to say things he doesn't mean when he panics.

"Well," Bakugou cuts off Midoriya before he could finish what he was about to say. "It was Mina huh?" Bakugou says with a scoff, Midoriya immediately nods his head. "Yup! Mina told me to check the library. She actually said that you are always here," Midoriya says with a laugh. Bakugou rolls his eyes, he wasn't always in the library, right?

"Of course she did," Bakugou mumbles with a sigh.

Mina has always been like this.

She just had to know where Bakugou was at all the time. Bakugou swears that she acts like a mother more than a friend.

"So I've got a question for you, it's fine if you don't want to answer or anything because I would never pressure you into doing something that you didn't want-" Midoriya is once again cut off by Bakugou.

"Just say it already," the blonde says with a small smile on his face, why'd Midoriya have to be so cute when he rambled on about stupid shit?

"Do you want to go out on a date?" Midoriya asks Bakugou with slightly red cheeks. Bakugou tried not to think about how much Midoriya's freckles stood out when the man blushed.

Bakugou's face goes bright red as soon as he finally realizes what Midoriya has asked him. How in the hell could Midoriya ask him that? How could someone so hot ask out Bakugou on a date?

The blonde begins to panic as to what he should say. Of fucking course he wants to go on a date with Midoriya but what if this was a joke? No, Midoriya would never do that, right?

With sudden quick rushed words, Bakugou says "no." he immediately feels stupid as soon as he says that. What the hell did he say no?

Midoriya looks disappointed but still says, "oh that's fine, uh, well." He struggles to keep the conversation going.

Bakugou was not going to tell Midoriya that he panicked and said the first thing that popped up in his mind.

"I'm sorry! No, as in I've... Got no free time at the moment," Bakugou hopes that it was a good enough reason to say no.

Midoriya nods his head with a smile on his face. "I understand that with football practice it feels as though I have no time to study," he explains with a sigh.

Bakugou nods his head, it was true, he also felt as though he had no time to himself at times.

He usually dealt with it by going mountain climbing when the college had breaks.

"I bet, uh, hard to find the time?" Bakugou mumbles.

"Well, would you look at the time," Midoriya says with glancing down at his phone. "I'll see you around Kaachan."

"Sorry for saying no," Bakugou says with a soft sigh. It felt so awkward, should he just say yes now or?

"Don't be," Midoriya says with a small smile, "just makes me want to try harder," Bakugou raises his eyebrow. "What do you mean?" Bakugou asks, Midoriya doesn't reply only smiles.

Bakugou watches as Midoriya walks out of the library with slightly slouched shoulders. "Weird," the blonde mumbles before going back to reviewing his notes.

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