Chapter 3: "The Same Day Same Old Things"

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4:30 A.M David House

It shows Team RWBY and JNPR asleep in the rooms where David give them as the two teams were sleeping peacefully a door slowly opened as the speaker was place in the room right next to the door as the speaker began to play a loud scaring two team awake from their bed they are sleeping in. 


Ruby: "AH!"

As the two teams fall from their bed the door of the room began to open showing David standing outside chuckling as he grabbed his Bluetooth speaker off the floor and holds it while looking at both teams who were on the floor groaning.

Ruby: "ugh.... What time is it?"

David: "4:30 A.M come on get your guy's clothes on we got to go somewhere." 

Jaune: "Why couldn't we stay here."

Weiss: "I agree with Jaune.... Why do we have to wake up this earlier in the Morning."

David: "Well I'm dropping something off to someone I know which this time I'm keeping my eye's close on you guys ever since you Weiss tried to burn down my kitchen"

Weiss: "I....yeah you're right."

David: "Now come on I'll be waiting for you guys in the living room"

David then leaves the two teams alone as he walked to the living as Jaune and Ren leave the room letting the girls change to the clothes that David give them.

Few Moments Later

After waiting Team RWBY and JNPR got dress they left the house with David as Team JNPR sits in the back of the truck while Team RWBY sits inside the five-seater of the truck looking at the city of where David is living he then came to a stop by the cemetery parking his truck at the parking lot he then gets off grabbing a small bundle of flowers as he turned to the both Team.

David: "You guys stay here I'll be back soon."

Ruby: "Okay David."

Ruby give David a small smile making him chuckled after talking to them, he then walks further in the cemetery pasting the gravestone until he then stops at one gravestone.

Ruby give David a small smile making him chuckled after talking to them, he then walks further in the cemetery pasting the gravestone until he then stops at one gravestone

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(This is how David is looking of the gravestone)

David: "Hey Mom and Dad....." 

David then smiles a little before getting on his one knee cleaning the dirt or dust off the tombstone of his parents once done he then places the bundle of flowers he has and place it on the pot getting on to his feet David looked at his parent's grave still giving them a small smile.

David: "You know time has really changed..... Ever since that day..... Anyway I don't want to keep you two in the dark I have been doing real good since..... Well the downfall of Divisional Nine that General Patterson helped me with that Mom and Dad so yeah no more nightmares for me anymore."

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