The Battle of Beacon Part 1

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The Festival Ground

U.S trooper: "MOVE!! MOVE!!"


As Blake and Weiss were running at the ground as they see Helicopter flying around Bullet rang out as the Troops were shooting at the Grimm as People were being getting transport as jets flew to the skies taking down Nevermore 

Weiss: "I don't believe this"

Blake grabbed her scroll as Yang was calling her 

Blake: "Yang are you ok?"

Yang was running to the hall as troops were running to the courtyard of Beacon 

Yang: "I'm fine is Ruby with you she not answering her scroll"

Blake: "No, she isn't Yang I'm sure she fine she's our leader she can take care of herself"

Weiss: "This can't be happeneing"

Yang: "I'm going to help out Luke Jason and Pablo they said the White Fang relases the grimm to the school"

Blake: "the White Fang is here"

Gunshot ring out over the Scroll as Yang was helping Luke and the other up

Luke: "Thanks Yang Sector 4 need help Yang you are with me"

Yang: "Yes Sir"

Luke: "Blake and Weiss if you can here me Dunn and Drake is and other troops are in dock help the people getting out"

Yang: "I got to go"

Yang end the call as Blake call her locker as it show up to see her weapon

Meanwhile at the Amity Arena 

US and Atlas was  getting people out as Ruby was staring on the floor as the nevermore was banging at the safety barrier as Ruby was deep in her mind until she was shook a lot as she look up to see Velikan there making sure she ok

Ruby: "Velikan"

Ruby hugged Velikan as she cried on his shoulder as Nick was telling everyone to calm down 

Speaker: "Safety barrier failing please leave the area"

As the Nevermore was about to breakthrough until the Quinjet draw it attention away from the arena as it Sarah and Ramirez curse themselves

Sarah: "We got it attention"

Sarah flew the quinjet away from the arena as the nevermore chase after it as Nick see locker begin call to the field as the students grabbed their weapons as Nick turn to Omega and Shadow squad 

Nick: "I want you guys to take them in to HQ and I want you guys on the school ground helping understood"

Omega and Shadow: "SIR YES SIR!!"

Daniel: "What about you!"

The griffons were landing around the students as the face plate came down as Nick ready weapons system

Nick: "Doing what it best"

Nick flew out of the arena as all the students were amazed to Nick new armor is as Ruby turn to Sun 

Ruby: "Sun Scroll"

Sun tossed his scroll to Ruby as she called her locker showing her Crescent Rose before trying to grabbed it one Griffon land on top of the locker until it head got blown off by Port 

Port: "Students I think it will be the best for you to leave"

Ruby: "But we could h-"

Oobleck: "Miss Rose this day will surely go down in Remnant's history I'd prefer it if my students could live to tell about it"

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