Football Time

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Ironwood: "Do you believe David plan would work"

Ozpin: "Yes Nick, Razor and Sarah team is finding out who is spying on us"

Glynda: "So this when to does the event"

Ozpin: "In about 5 hours David says they finished changing the arena and they are bringing some people from earth that will entrain the crowd"

Meanwhile back to David

David: "Ok let go over the list"

Nick: "Football field check"

Razor: "Players and coach staff check"

Ramirez: "Halftime Performance check"

Sarah: "Football gear and stuff check"

David: "And spying on Cinder and her time"

Jason on the radio: "Check"

David: "Thanks Jason alright we got 5 hours let warm up"

Back to Team RWBY

Ruby: "So today Dad special event I wonder what they plan on doing"

Weiss: "Well I guess we could go check the arena and-"

Announcer: "Can all Beacon team report to auditorium I repeat can all Beacon team report to the auditorium thank you"

Yang: "I wonder what that all about"

As Team RWBY enter the auditorium they see all the teams there as Ozpin explains what going

Ozpin: "As you see the reason I call you all here is that you all will be paraparticle the events that Team Knight have plan so we be giving some equipment get one for your size and report to the locker room that is all"

As everyone grabbed football gear and helmet and equipment as they put it on as Ruby tires to find a way to put her cape on but Yang tell her that it will get caught as Ruby left in her locker as Weiss was complains how uncomfortable were the pants are 

Weiss: "How does David get comfortable with these pants are"

Yang: "I don't but I feel cool were these thing"

Jaune: "These are tight"

Nora: "OOOH I could break some legs"

Ren: "Nora you get ejected if you do it on purpose"

Nora: "Aww but at least that I could hit people"

As Yang was posing while wearing the shoulder pads with the team jersey saying their number and their school name above their number until everyone was focus on the screen of the TV as it something was playing

Football Reporter: "Remnant the site of Vytal Tournament TV kick of show starts right now"

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