Knight Ramirez vs Winter

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Ruby was Chasing after Weiss as she tries to tell her what going on

Ruby: "Weiss what is the big deal who is it who is she"

Weiss: "Winter"

Weiss smiled to see Winter coming down her Aircraft being escorted one of Atlas Knights bots 

Ruby: "Wait your sister?"

Weiss: "Winter!"

Winter turns around to see Weiss running to her

Weiss: "Winter I'm so happy to see you here oh your presence honor us"

Winter: "Beacon it been a long time the air feels different"

Ruby: "I mean it is Fall so... probably colder"

Weiss punch Ruby in the shoulder and Ruby 

Weiss: "So what are you doing here?"

Winter: "Classifed"

Weiss: "oh right well how long are you staying"

Winter: "Classifed"

Weiss: "Of course."

Ruby: "Well this is nice I think"

Weiss: "You're going to love it here I know you travel a lot, but so much of Beacon is different from Atlas Vale and Earth too the government and the school is completely different can you believe it I-"

Winter: "I'm more than familiar with how this kingdom handles it bureaucracy and for Earth you said I want to hear more of them like those two"

Winter points at the two U.S trooper patrolling while they are talking themselves 

Weiss: "Right I'm sorry"

Winter: "Nor did I come here to watch my own blood fail so miserably in battle but it appears I have no choice in the matter"

Weiss: "But we won"

Winter: "Only a novice would refer to that as a victory I counted at least three strikes missed"

As Winter called of her bots as she face Weiss

Winter: "So how you been"

Weiss being to tell here how she doing in class being the one top of her grade and top ranking in her sparring classed until Winter hit Weiss in the head

Winter: "Silence you boob!"

U.S Trooper 1: "Did she called her sister"

U.S Trooper 2: "Yup what a weird way to say it "

Winter glare at the two U.S solider as they were walking away laughing what have Winter have said

Winter: "I don't recall asking about your ranking I asked how you've been are you eating properly have you taken up any hobbies are you making new friends?"

Weiss: "Well there's Ruby"

Ruby: "Boob" *laughing*

Winter: "So this is the leader who is daughter of Captain David and the one you wrote about"

Ruby: "Uh thank you"

Winter: "Greeting Ruby Rose I wish thank you for taking an interest in my sister

Ruby: "Oh uh yes the honor is my court"

Winter: "I have business with the general and your headmaster but seeing as I'm early why don't you take me to your quarters"

Weiss: "Really"

Winter: "Yes I wish to inspect them and make sure they are up to my personal standard"

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