Knight David Vs Team JNPR

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Last Time on Not from this World

Nick: "David we have a problem"

David: "Shit"

Ruby: "Dad what do we do"

David: "We hide"


David House

Reporter 1: "After a fight on the small town with the Knights we got reports that the tv show call RWBY character have help them while fight the attackers who was responsible for the attack on Base Howard on New Jersey and-"

Tv was turn off as Team RWBY and JNPR turns around to see David holding the remote can tossed it to the sofa as Nick was talking on the phone telling the Chief Staff to calm down as Razor was checking his weapon as Sarah patch up Ramirez after getting cut by the arm

Ramirez: "OW! that hurts"

Sarah: "That what you get for playing knifes"

Ramirez: "Whatever"

David look at his team as he sighed in stressed not until he got a phone call while answering the call David hanged up and turn to his team

David: "We have to go they need us in Washington"

Nick: "Oh boy"

Ruby: "Dad do think they want all of us"

David turn to Ruby as he place his hand on her shoulder

David: "No sweetie they just want to talk with me and the other don't worry we will be back"

Nick signal the others to go as David kissed Ruby in the head as he left with the other while putting his shield on his back and left the house as everyone thinks about David shield

Weiss: "I wonder how do the shield deflect everything when something hits it"

Yang: "I don't know but that shield is strong is even stronger against the Grimm version us"

Blake: "Plus whatever he throws it come back to him"

Pyrrha: "It kind of how he copy's me by throwing his shield but his fight style is different that I ever seen"

As Team RWBY and JNPR were talking about the shield Summer was in David room looking over the photo on their honey mood and then their time in Beacon as she smiles at the photo of the good time they have Summer got up and open the closet and put the photos away until a small box fell down as folders and paper spilled on the floor

Summer: "Oh no"

Summer was pick up the papers off the floor until something caught her eyes as she place the paper on her hand on the bed as she picked up the folder with 3 code names as she opens them and starts reading it

Time Skip

David POV


We got off the plane that took us from Texas to Washington as the plane landed I was looking at the window as I see police and people as I hear people shouting and yelling as we got off the plane everyone was looking at us as we hear question that the reporters were saying to us

Reporter 1: "Do you think the enemy would come back Captain"

Reporter 2: "Who are those girl carrying those weapons"

Reporter 3: "What secrets you are hiding Knights"

We didn't answer the question as we enter the car while the driver drove us to the white house as we see a lot of reporters and photographer taking picture and news team as we enter the white house as everyone was walking around like someone fart as we being escorted to the oval office

Not from this World Volume oneWhere stories live. Discover now