How Should it ended Bonus

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It show the Battle of Beacon as one White Fang member firing his weapon at U.S Troops as one White Fang member land right next to him

Bert: "Hey, Hey, Frankie! How ya doing man?"

Frankie: "Hey Bert, just shooting at then enemy as many I can"


U.S Trooper: "AHHH!!!"

Frankie: "Glad to see you made it to the fight"

Bert: "Ah yea, I mean it was rough coming in here with that red guy shooting all that riff raft at us"

It show Nick flying in background taking out many White Fang Bullhead out of the air

Bert: "But we made it!"

Frankie: "Yea I saw that red guy. I'm getting the impression there's only about 5 people here we need to be on the lookout for."

It show Razor taking punching his way out against the White Fang then it show Ramirez move his Sniper behind his back shooting a bullhead behind him as Sarah was making gun noise with her pistol while shooting as David was running jumping over debris while carrying his shield

Bert: "I like those odds"

Frankie: "Yeah me too"

Bert: "You know this is my last day on the force for being in the White Fangs"

Frankie: "Really?"

Bert: "Yep, I'm retiring. Finally made it" 

Frankie: "Well congratulations Bert you earned it" 

Bert: "Yeah my wife and kids are really excited"

Frankie: "I got two years left myself"

Bert: "Oh yeah?

Frankie: "Yeah been counting the days man I'm finally gonna open up that fitness center we've always talked about"

Bert: "That great Frankie! I'm proud of you"

Frankie: "Thanks Bert."

Bert: "I mean its sad that we've had to make a living being this army of murderous faunus who hate humans. But at least you finally get to follow your dreams right?"

Frankie: "That's how the White Fang do"

Bert: "Yeah"

BANG!...      BOOM!

Bert: "Hey what do you say we start making our way toward the tower and help the lady who start all this and establish some kind of perimeter, maybe guard her I don't know." 

Frankie: "Good idea Bert. I mean that is the whole reason for us coming here isn't it"

Bert: "You said it Frankie."

Expulsion in the background

Bert: "At least this time tomorrow it will be smooth sailing for us am I right"

After saying that there was a huge flash after Ruby used her silver eyes making every Grimm turn into stones as Bert and Frankie stopped shooting and looked around of the Grimm that turn into the stones

Frankie: "Um did someone turn the grimm into stones??"

Bert: "Why is that bad?"

U.S Trooper: "FREEZE!!!!"

Bert: "Crap...."


The U.S army begin capturing the White Fang member that surrender as Knight the were at the tower surrounding Cinder as for Bert and Frankie let say they were captured and never open the gym after the war

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