The Calm before the Storm Part 2

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USA Washington Pentagon

Nick POV

After we were rescued and later leaving Jason to the medical staff I dismissed the Phoenix squad until later I was Summoned to the Pentagon inside the chopper with Ramirez Razor and Sarah which I didn't see for the long time after the disband of the Knights after we exited the chopper we walked to the convoy that was waiting for us

Me: "Look like we are late"

Razor: "Apparently so"

Sarah: "Let get the show on the road"

As we enter the vehicle and be greeted by Secretary McNamara and the General as we shook their hands

Me: "Secretary"

Secretary McNamara: "Your reputation precedes you four"

General: "Step on it"

As the convoy begins to move with the Military police and the CIA the secretary handle us the folder contain the pictures of the Grimm of the four girls that attacked the base that Jason took as the others look over it all confused and shock to see this

Secretary McNamara: "Nothing less than our national security is at stake it has no fear. No conscience. No Weakness I believe you met the leader of the unknown group"

Razor: "So when do we kill it?"

Secretary McNamara: "We're glad to have you four back but I'm sadly to hear that the your old Captain have Retired"

No one POV

As the convoy was passing through the highway into the Pentagon once after hearing Nick report of the attack and the ambushed they reach to the Pentagon as they walked inside with the Secretary Razor begins to feel nervous of what going on as they reach the desk in front with the Agent

Secretary: "VIP"

Guard: "They here"

They walked past the metal detectors and walk past the two double door as they walking past of people offices as Razor see one women was looking at them while blowing a cigar as they walk past her

Secretary : "The finest people in the world right here 24/7 it never ends"

Razor *whispering to Ramirez* " I feel like they are watching us"

Ramirez *whispering back* "Yeah no shit"

Until they were stop by a checkpoint guards as the Secretary clear everything up

Secretary: "Please tell him we're here"

Guard: "At once sir"

As they walk to halls pasting the painting and pictures of famous battles World war 2 as the Secretary pointed them out of the pictures they past by

Secretary: Distinguished Heroes and Distinguished leaders

They reach the elevator with two guards holding their weapons out

Secretary: "Ariel

The Guard pushed the button as the elevator came up as the five enter as the guard whisper in his radio when it start going down until it stops when the door open showing the room where the elevator has stop show the war room has everyone trying to pinpoint where the attacker are

Secretary: "The nerve center I believe I'm correct saying that civilization has been saved more than once in this room"

Sarah: "Woah"

Razor: "To be honest this is my first time seeing the underground of the Pentagon"

Ramirez: "Ahem to that"

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