The Calm before the Storm Part 1

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David House Thursday

Summer was overseeing Team RWBY and JNPR spar in the backyard so that they will be prepare for anything as Jaune and his Team could be prepare what stagiest that the Grimm version of team RWBY would do if they have a encounter of them as Summer give a few tips of what they do

Summer: "Jaune you must find a right time to parry Ruby attack Nora you must be careful of Yang Attacks Pyrrha you must find a right time to strike at Weiss without being caught by her glyph and Ren be careful of Blake clone as the real can strike while you are distracted by the clone one"

After spending 3 hours training both team were sitting down drinking their water bottle as they lost their breath

Jaune: "Man that training was long Ruby I didn't know your mom is this seriously about training us"

Ruby: "Well yeah Mom don't want us getting hurt or lose anyone by the Grimm version of us"

Weiss: " What about your dad Ruby I wonder what he doing"

Everybody hear the door opening showing David carrying a guitar case as he walks to the tree log that was on the ground as he sits down place the case down and opening it getting the guitar out as Ruby got up as she walks to David as Summer stops her and the others as David grab the guitar out of the case and starts tuning it after done tuning David looks at the clouds as it was about to rain until he starts playing the guitar

Well, I won't back down

No, I won't back down

You can stand me up at the gates of hell

But I won't back down

No, I'll stand my ground

Won't be turned around

And I'll keep this world from draggin' me down

Gonna stand my ground

And I won't back down

Hey, baby, there ain't no easy way out

Hey, I will stand my ground

And I won't back down

Well I know what's right

I got just one life

In a world that keeps on pushin' me around

But I'll stand my ground

And I won't back down

Hey, baby, there ain't no easy way out

Hey, I will stand my ground

And I won't back down

No I won't back down

Ruby was wiping the tears off after hearing that song as she see David putting the guitar in its case as he walks inside the house as Summer look at everyone wondering why he just sang that song

Summer: "Alright that be enough for today go take a shower so me and David can cook something for you"

Everyone starts to head inside instead of Ruby as she walks to the same tree log that she saw David sat as she sits down looking at the cloud that was about to rain

Ruby POV

'I wonder why did Dad sang that song and sits alone here looking at the clouds'

Summer: "You want to know why your Dad was here singing that song"

I see mom standing right next to me as I nod she sit down looking at the same direction that we are looking

Summer: "The view looks nice right"

Me: "Yes but is that the reason why he sang that song"

Summer: "No sweetheart the reason why he did is that his uncle sang that song to him when he was younger than you he look up to him as he was a hero until later in a few years he died leaving your farther heart broken and sad so every time when he goes to fight he sing that song so that he know that his uncle will stay with him in the end"

Me: "That song reminds him about his uncle"

Summer: "Yes and the motto that his uncle said to him 'A strong man stands up for himself, A stronger man stands up for others' "

Me: "Now I understand mom thank you"

Summer: "I know sweetie"

No one POV

They both hugged for a while lasting 1 minute until they head inside as Ruby went to take a shower as Summer went to David as he was cooking fried fish with home cook fries when Summer see David cooking she took of her cloak and hang it by the jacket holder as she walks behind him and hugged him by his back as David stop what he was doing

David: "How are you doing cookie monster"

Summer: "Doing well so what are you cooking"

David: "fried fish with fries something that my Dad and Mom taught me before I was taken off to the government man it feel like we are back at Remnant"

Summer: "It sure does"

When David was done cooking he see Summer sitting down on the table looking sad as David walk up to her grabbing both of her hand and taking a knee looking at her

David: "What wrong you could tell"

Summer: "I just wish you were there to see Ruby when she was growing up and be there when she need you it been hard since when you disappear when I was taking care her I just wish you were there"

Summer starts to cry as David hugged her while crying on his shoulder as David hold the tears back knowing he made his family upset when he was here in earth after she was done crying David hold her hand as small tear fall on her hand seeing David was crying was too

David: "You know I spent my time looking a way back to you so we could live together but when they said there's no portal sighting I felt horrible I thought I never see you two again not until a few months Ruby came here with her friends and until you came here with you two here you guys fix the hole inside of me now I'm happy to see my family here safe"

The two put there foreheads together knowing they will be together in the end after having a talking with each other David called both Team down as they came in to the kitchen and ate while Blake almost ate all the fish as David stop her until he got a phone call

David: "Hang on hello this is David"

After having a talk on the phone Summer look at David as he place the phone as he sat down in the living room

Summer: "David what wrong"

David: "Nick and his squad got ambush by Ruby"

Summer: "oh my Oum is anyone hurt"

David: "Just one but Nick say that Jason will make it he got hit the expulsion round"

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