Award Categories

35.9K 1K 781

Award Type:

Judge's Choice Awards: A panel of judges will pick 2 winning entries from each of the award categories.

SuperWinners: The panel of judges will also be selecting 3 overall SuperWinners who will win the SuperWinners prize.*

Award Categories:

This year, we have merged various genres into 5 different award categories. You can submit your entry for Wattpad India Awards 2021 in any one of the following categories based on the genres included in that category:**

- Matters of Heart: Romance, Young Adult, New Adult, Teen Fiction, or Chicklit

- That Secret Quest: Action, Adventure, Mystery/Thriller, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Historical Fiction

- Don't Scare Us: Horror, Paranormal, Vampire, Werewolf

- Poetry

- Short Story (can be of any genre)

*The 3 SuperWinners will be picked only from all the entries received in the categories Matters of Heart, That Secret Quest, and Don't Scare Us. Also, please note that your story must have a minimum of 50,000 words to be eligible for the SuperWinners prize.

**LGBTQ+ and Fanfiction stories can be submitted in any of the above categories that the story best fits in.

In accepting a prize, you agree that Wattpad may, permanently and free of charge:

- Take excerpts of the story to create and distribute promotional materials, both for the story and the Contest.

- Post no more than one chapter of the story anywhere on the contest website.

- Feature your story on Wattpad's platform (website and mobile) and across all of Wattpad's social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.).

- Use your name and likeness for promotional purposes related to the contest.

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