Meet the Team

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Meet the amazing team who helped make Wattpad India Awards 2021 a seamless experience.

Meet the amazing team who helped make Wattpad India Awards 2021 a seamless experience

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<< BookwormR8Here >>

Angel is a nursing student from Chhattisgarh. She is a silent listener and an introvert-ish type of person. She is an avid reader who likes to read in every free time she can manage to get. She reads almost all genres of fiction, but mostly loves reading romance. Her love for romance stems from her interest in studying different types of relationships (both romantic and platonic as well as friendship and familial bonds)–since it would be rude to do so in the real world. She has a weakness for stories based on psychological issues, medical conditions, hospital based stories, arranged marriages, paranormal stories. She also likes some mystery and thriller incorporated in the romance. She lacks patience when it comes to reading an extremely long book, and when the story is really interesting she tends to pull an all-nighter. She also likes people watching, listening to music and dancing like a crazy person when no one is watching.

<< eucatastrophe9 >>

Jigyasa is a reading enthusiast who found her love for writing somewhere along the way. She is a nature lover, a physics student, with a love for adventure and anything mysterious.

<< Irresist >>

Mehreen is a medical student who has been an avid reader for as long as she can remember. Living vicariously through the books she reads is one of her favorite things to do. She also spends her free time daydreaming and waiting around for inspiration to hit her. Always interested in the idea of becoming a writer but never really able to find the patience required, she reviews the stories of other people instead.

<< Itsybitsy_spiderson >>

Usually residing in her world of daydreams, Saloni Pujari is a Romance and Fantasy enthusiast. She loves character driven stories and during her sparse visits to the real world, she's either busy with meeting deadlines (boring alert!) or on a look out for the next story that would keep her up till sunrise.

<< manuusays >>

A perpetually confused soul in life, Manasi finds solace in the world of fiction. She snuggles with books and is comforted by cinema. You can find her spitting random facts about history and being an occasional arm-chair cricket expert. Always giving the best music and show reccos, she is adept at writing anything and everything....except bios

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