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Taehyung's POV:

Kookie took me to a small café after our encounter with Irene, to take my mind off of her. We tall about the smallest, silliest things, but wouldn't want to be anywhere else.

After a while, Kookie walked me home, and low and behold, my aunt Helen's car was parked in my driveway. Irene must have blabbed to mommy and daddy.When Jungkook and I walked in Irene sat crying next to her mother. Is this bitch serious?My parents looked at me with serious expressions on their faces."Tae, I want the truth. Did you threaten your cousin?" He asked calmly. "Yes, sir. I did." I said truthfully. "Why?" My mother asked."Who cares why? She threatened my baby and should be punished!" Helen yelled. Growls erupted around the room and that's when I noticed that Yoongi and Jimin had walked in. Everyone around me growled at Helen and Irene, their wolves taking over.kookie lets go of me and stalk over to my aunt, cornering her against the wall. "Listen to me, you naïve woman. You don't EVER raise your voice to my mate or his family. You know nothing about what happened. You weren't there! Tae told me what happened." Before Jungkook continued he was interrupted. "He lied!" Irene yelled. Jungkook turned to her and growled, shaking the entire house.Turning back to my aunt he puts his hand loosely around her throat. "Your daughter provoked Tae. Trying to convince him that I was a cheater, tried turning him against me. You don't come into my mate's home, disrespect him AND his family. Your daughter does thatenough as it is and all of this disrespect ends now." He says as he slightly tightens his grip.I gently placed my hand on his shoulder and he relaxed, letting her go."Get out of here. Both of you." He told her. "No! She threatened my daughter and I won't stand for it!" She yelled. Another round of growls erupted. My wolf appeared and watched as the scene unfolded.Jungkook's eyes widened. He was ready to snap. "Did you just disobey a direct order from your Alpha?" He asked calmly. "Jungkook this isn't fair!" Irene yelled.I lost control over my wolf and he grabbed Irene by the neck. "You want me to be punished?! Yell at my mate again and I will give you a reason for me to be punished! Is that understood?!" My wolf yelled. Irene's eyes started to tear up and her lip trembled. "Answer me!" My wolf yelled again. "Yes, Luna" She whimpered."I'm not going anywhere until this is resolved!" Helen yelled. My father then stepped in. "Get out of my house Helen! I don't care if you are my sister or not! You do not disrespect my daughter this way! From the way this is going, you're more likely not going to leave this house alive! Wolves respect their Alpha and Luna! You will be no different!" He yelled then turned to Irene. "You! If you ever try to hurt my child again I will not hesitate to sit back and watch Jungkook rip your throat out!" He yelled and stormed upstairs."Mom, please. Let's just go." Irene whimpered afraid. Helen finally swallowing her pride, complied but not before sending a glare my waykookie walked up to me, his eyes back to his normal brown, and kissed me. "Are you okay?" He asked softly. I smiled at him. "Yes. I'm perfect." I replied. He smiled and placed another kiss on my lips.As we sat for dinner, my mother looked at me, bringing up a topic that has been bothering him. Me moving out. "So what is going to happen now that you found your mate?" She asked. I bit my lip, not knowing what to say. "Well..." Jungkook said before he looked at me. "If you would feel more comfortable, we could wait until you graduate." He said. "Really?" I asked him. He smiled. "Of course. You can come and spend the night with me and vice versa if that's okay." He told me. "I would love that!" I said excitedly. He smiled down at me adoringly before placing a small kiss on my cheek.This man is so perfect, it's almost too good to be true. I don't have to leave my family home right away which I'm grateful for and my mate will stay here with me some nights. Well like he always did before he became Alpha. Except we'd share a bed now. Oh, how the adrenaline ran through me just thinking about what we could get away with, without being caught.----------------------------------------See you all in the next chapter.I hope you all like it.💜Please vote and comment.If there are any mistakes I am sorry for that.Stay safe and happy.Borahae.💜

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