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Jungkook had me in the car and on the way to the doctor in no time. I had called my parents, Yoongi, and Jennie before I went to the delivery room. labor

Now here I am, panting and crying from the pain. I've been for six hours now. I'm still nowhere near ready to push out.

"You're okay, baby. I'm right here." Jungkook said soothingly as he rubs his thumb over my hand. "I'm tired Jungkook." I whispered and closed my eyes as the wave of pain stopped. "I know, baby. It won't last forever." He said before kissing my forehead.

After four more hours of this, Dr. Ward told me it was time to push.

Each contraction came sooner and sooner and after a good half hour, Jung-Hyun was born.

He was perfect, his voice loud as he cried. I couldn't help but cry out in the joy of finally seeing my boy.

"Okay, Luna. One down. One to go. Push." Dr. Ward said.

After a while, Taeguk's cries were heard throughout the room. She had my blue eyes and Jungkook's brown hair, whereas Jung-Hyun had Jungkook's brown eyes and my black hair. We created those perfect creatures.

Jungkook POV:

"He's a mini Alpha." Yoongi cooed as he let Junghyun squeeze his finger while rocking him from side to side. I smiled widely at my newborn son as he looked up at me.

I looked over to Tae and saw Jimin and Jennie surround her as they all cooed at Taeguk. Both my pups were content and so was my mate. My family.

"Hi, beautiful girl," Tae whispered to our daughter. I'd never seen him so happy.

"Man, I got to tell ya," Yoongi said looking at me and smiled. "I can't wait." He said looking at Jimin.

Tae then looks at me and smiles. "Do you want to hold her?" He asked. I smiled at him before sitting on the side of the bed.

When Tae handed Taeguk over to me, couldn't help but gaze at her. I saw so much of Tae in her. So much of me as well. I couldn't believe it.

Before I had found Tae, I didn't want a mate because I was afraid. Looking back now, I realize how foolish I was. Now thanks to my wonderful mate, I have two beautiful children.

Tae POV:

"I want my son now." I said reaching out to Yoongi, who pouted in return. "Do I have to?" He asked. "Yes." I told him taking Junghyun in my arms.

"Here, you big baby." Jungkook said and put Taeguk in Yoongi's arms making his eyes light up again.

"Hello, pretty girl." He said smiling at her. "Baby, when are you due again?" He asked Jimin, making her smile lovingly at him. "Four months, baby. You'll live." He replied. He only sighed and looked at Taeguk again.

A few days passed and it was finally time to take the twins home.

"Let me see my grandbabies!" Mom squealed. "Sh!" I said making my mom slap her hands over her mouth. "Sorry." She said quieter.

Mom leaned down to look at the twins as they slept in their car seats. "They're perfect." She told me. I smiled lightly. "I know," I said wrapping my arms around Jungkook.

"You should rest." He whispered to me. "No." I replied, just wanting to spend time with my babies. He sighed and helped me get our pups to the nursery.

"Sweetheart, they're sleeping. Which is what you should be doing." Jungkook told me when we got them settled in. "Fine." I said weakly and let him lead me to our bedroom.

I was so exhausted and I didn't realize it until I sat on the soft mattress. I could barely get undressed by myself, so Jungkook had to help me.

Jungkook pulled the blanket over us and pulled me to his chest. "Good night, baby." Was the last thing I heard before falling asleep.


See you all in the next chapter.

I hope you all like it.💜
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If there are any mistakes I am sorry for that.
Stay safe and happy.

MY ALPHA MATE (VKOOK or TAEKOOK )Where stories live. Discover now