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Five years later:

Tae POV:

"Jung-Hyun, what did I tell you about leaving your toys in the middle of the living room?" I asked my son. "I'm sorry, momma." He said and began to put his toys in the small tote box he kept them in. I smiled softly and kissed the top of his head.

"Mommy, when is daddy coming home?" Taeguk asked me. She was such a daddy's girl and of course, Jung-Hyun was a momma's boy.

"He'll be home soon, baby. He and Yoongi had some business with Alpha Fisher." I told her. She hung her head low. "Daddy works a lot." She said sadly. "I know sweetheart. He's the alpha though, so it's not really an option." I told her. "Will Jung-Hyun be busy like daddy when he's alpha?" She asked me. "Most likely," I replied.

Junghyun walked up to me after cleaning his mess in the living room. "Momma, what is a mate?" He asked. "Where did you hear about mates?" I asked him.

"I asked uncle Jimin why he and uncle Yoongi kiss all the time and he said it's because they are mates." He replied.

"Well, a mate is someone who was made specifically for you and your wolf by the moon goddess. Mate's love and protect each other. They make you happy when you're sad. They are someone you are destined to be with for the rest of your life." told him.

"Are you and daddy mates?" Taeguk asked making me smile. "Yes, baby we are." I told her. "Will I get a mate someday?" Jung-Hyun asked. "Of course. You both will. It will be one of the happiest moments for you to ever have when you first find them." I said.

"I can't wait to find my mate!" Taeguk squealed happily.

"You better." We heard at the door. "Daddy!" Taeguk said excitedly and jumped in Jungkook's arms. "Hey, honey. Did you miss me?" He asked. "I missed you a lot, daddy," Taeguk replied.

"I did, too." I said smiling at him. "Hey, beautiful." He said he does every day when he gets home. He bent down to give me a kiss but Taeguk pushes our faces away from each other. "That's gross." She said making us laugh.

"Kids, dinner is ready!" Jin called from the kitchen. Junghyun hopped off the couch and ran into the kitchen and sat in front of his plate. My boy loves to eat.

"Daddy, why do you work so much?" Taeguk asked as we ate. "I'm the alpha of the pack, baby. As an alpha, it's my job to take care of everyone in it. A lot of times that means leaving home to do it." Jungkook said. "But you're never home, daddy," Taeguk said sadly.

I sighed and looked to Jungkook. He looked hurt by her words. I don't he realized how much she missed her daddy.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart. I'll try to be here more often, okay?" He asked her gently.

She wiped her eyes from a couple of shed tears and climbed on his lap. "Okay, daddy." She said before giving his cheek a kiss.

"I'm done!" Junghyun called out when he finished. I looked and saw the plate practically clean and laughed. "Good. Go hop in the shower before bed, okay? Make sure you leave some warm water for your sister." I told him. "Okay, momma." He said before kissing my cheek and jogging upstairs.

I couldn't ask for more well-behaved kids. Jung-Hyun will be a great alpha one day. His personality is so much like Jungkook.

Taeguk is a quiet girl, stay out of trouble at all costs kind of kid. She has her daddy's temper, whereas Jung-Hyun is a little more laid back.

Everything Jungkook and I went through, got us here, where we are today, leading one of the most powerful packs in South Korea with loyal pack members that fight tooth and nail with each other.

I know as long as I have Jungkook and my pups by my side, everything will be okay.


So that's it. The epilogue is done.

I hope you all like it.💜
Please vote and comment.
If there are any mistakes I am sorry for that.
Stay safe and happy.

See you all in the next book.
Till then see you.

MY ALPHA MATE (VKOOK or TAEKOOK )Where stories live. Discover now