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Tae POV:

I was in the kitchen, when I heard the front door open and the wonderful scent of my mate surrounded me. When he looked at me, I couldn't help but run into his arms. "I'm so sorry," I whispered. He slowly wrapped his arms around my waist. "It's okay, baby." He replied before kissing me hard.

Jungkook and I went upstairs to my bedroom for some privacy. "Why didn't you trust me, baby?" He asked me as he ran his thumb across the top of my hand. "My anger and doubt clouded my judgment. I'm sorry." I said weakly as I looked down. "Look at me." He whispered as he took my face in his hands. "I love you. I will always love you. Please don't ever doubt that. I would never do anything to hurt you." He said gently. "I love you, too." I whispered.

The next day at school, Jinnie ran up to Jimin and I. "Hey birthday girl." I said and hugged her. "My mate is here! I smell him everywhere, I just can't find him." She rushed out. Jimin's eyes widened. "Really?" he asked. "You'll find him before the day is over. Don't worry." I told her, making her smile.

When we walked into the cafeteria a few hours later, Jinnie grabbed my arm, stopping me. Her eyes were glued to someone across the room. She rushed over, with me quickly following.

When Jackson came into view he looked our way and froze. "Mate." They whispered. "Oh my God." Jimin said from behind me.

Jackson stood and walked toward Jinnie, slowly. "You?" Jinnie asked. He smiled down at her as he rested his hand on her cheek. "Wow." Was all he said.

I had a blank look on my face. It just had to be Jackson. Yay, now he can come around more often... Woohoo...

"Hi, Jackson." A random girl walked up and kissed him. I then saw Jinnie run out of the cafeteria from the corner of my eye. "Jinnie!" Jackson yelled and went after her.

I looked back to the girl. "What the hell is wrong with you? Was it not obvious that he just found his mate!" I yelled at her. "L-luna, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have." "Get out of here." The girl only bowed slightly and walked away.

Jimin and I walked out to see Jackson trying to calm Jinnie.

"Jinnie, please. I didn't know she would come up to me like that. Please, don't leave me. I just got you." He said genuinely. What? "Jackson begging a girl for forgiveness. That's new. I covered my mouth to stifle a laugh.

She looked up at Jackson and stared at him for a moment before wrapping her arms around his neck. "Please, don't sleep around with everyone anymore." She whispered. "I'm all yours, baby." He replied.

"We should go." Jimin whispered. I nodded in the agreement and turned back to the cafeteria.

"I never expected that," Jimin told me as we sat down. "Tell me about it." I replied. A moment later, Jinnie walked back in with Jackson glued to her hip.

"Can Jackson sit with us?" Jinnie asked when she reached the table. I gave her a small fake smile. "Sure." I told her. I've come to find myself enjoying being Luna. My wolf was much stronger now and I had a lot more confidence in myself.

We could all tell he was uncomfortable when he sat down, but Jinnie took care of that very easily. He smiled at her and that is when we were completely ignored by Jinnie. She was so happy though. Jimin and I peaked at them once in a while as we talked.

They would randomly smile at each other, all the while not taking their eyes off each other. Sometimes he would place a small kiss on her lips, making her blush.

I looked behind me and saw all the she-wolves glaring at her. I narrowed my eyes. "Is there a problem here ladies?" I asked them and they instinctively looked away.

"I miss Jungkook." I told Jimin. he nodded sadly. "I miss my Yoongi, too. Looking at them makes me a little jealous." he said laughing quietly.

Something felt off while Jinnie, Jimin, and I were walking home. The closer I got to the house, then more I started to smell something. It only got stronger. Rouges.

"Run." I said frantically. My vision, smell, and hearing amplified when Jungkook and mated so spotted the rouges quickly. "What?" Jinnie asked. "Rouges." I said faced them. "Go!" I ordered.

When they were out of reach, I turned to the three rouges and shifted, letting my wolf take over. Let's see what they can do.

"Ready?" My wolf asked. "Absolutely." I replied before snarling at the rouges as they approached.


See you all in the next chapter.

I hope you all like it.💜
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If there are any mistakes I am sorry for that.
Stay safe and happy.

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