Sweet nothings🔪

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Fluffy tingz~

lol kidding slight implications.

lol kidding slight implications

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Hannibal works in the kitchen, cooking tonight's dinner. It was his anniversary and the dinner will be nothing far from amazing, only the best for his Will. As long as the man has no distractions tonight will be perfect, then again that's an if.

As if the distraction himself heard Hannibal's mind a pair of arms wrap around his waist. There's that if. Like any good distraction Will was amazing at it. Soft kisses get placed along the blonde's throat.

"Smells great Hanny." a voice whispers into the cooking mans ear, with a new nickname.

"When did you start calling me Hanny my dear William?" 

"Ever since I've been in a good mood, I mean after all I got everything I need right in front of me." with this another sweet kiss is placed on Hannibal, this time behind his ear. "If you even mention that I was this sweet tomorrow I'm going to deny it all."

"Okay then. So I see I shouldn't take this for granted?" Hannibal asks, placing one hand on Will's and the other stays in the act of cooking. Every kiss feels so sweet Hannibal feels his teeth should rot soon. He drops a carrot as Will is loving up on him.

"You should pick that up." The brunette lets a smirk press on his lovers neck. The process was going to happen until an uncomfortable shuffle can be heard from behind them. Will only cranes his neck slightly, seeing Abigail Will backs away from the almost bent over Hannibal.

 "Gosh get a room you two." Will only turns his neck a tad more to catch a full glimpse of Abigail. 

"Hey, I thought you were with your friends already."

"Well I was getting ready upstairs, as you can see I haven't left yet." Abigail stands with her weight shifted onto one hip, she was uncomfortable. She's happy her dads are close and everything, just wish that this didn't happen every anniversary.

Their special day just has to be during the summer, the time she comes home from college. Just the day she arrived to the house she got to hear interesting noises coming from her blonde dad. She didn't need to know who tops, but she does now. Their displays of affection just won't stop, and its endearing in a way.

Hey at least one of them don't want to eat her anymore. A cannibal but not that type.

"Well I assume this wasn't what you wanted to see today?" Hannibal makes a side comment as he is throwing away the floor carrot. His comment gets a side eye from Will, but being Hannibal it wasn't in a rude way. After all, the man had a distaste (and a taste in a sense) for the rude.

"Look Abi when you find that one in your life, this should happen too. Find you one that tells you sweet nothings, on the proper occasions." Will coughs into his hand, shaking the embarrassment off.

"Thank you dad. Please do not turn your sexual affair that I walked into, into a lesson." Abigail throws a hand on her face, rubbing her temple. "I can't." she laughs softly to herself. For two murders her parents seemed so normal.

She turns and smiles at her brown headed dad. "Well I'm going to head out, leave y'all...to it?"

Will shakes his head, once again his cheeks become inflamed. "I'll walk you out, make sure I can see those friends of yours" and even after such an event he was back to himself, an overprotective father. I mean who wouldn't be cautious with Abigail, she has a gash on her throat from previous experiences, that proves her judgement enough.

The brunette places a soft hand on the small of her back, guiding her to the front door. Part of the female feels like this was for two reasons, protection, and to make sure she is gone this time. Once again an endearing fact, they won't be killing each other anytime soon. 

"Alright Abigail have fun."

"I will. Love ya dad." she gives that show stopping smile as she sees her friends and runs off.

Will has business to attend to so he heads into the kitchen.

Familiar hands can be felt on Hannibal's waist once more. "Hey you got farther without me being in here. I'm not that distracting am I, especially to the great doctor himself?"

"I was going to refrain from saying this, but yes." he turns his head, receiving a quick kiss from the dog like man. 

"Ow that hurts. You're going to have to make that up to me." 

"Okay William. Whatever you want."

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