The Alpha Is Back.

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The whole ride to pack house was quite as we didn't speak much. After reaching the pack house Eric got out of the car first and then opened the door for me, he offered me  his hand, which I took delightfully. Oh! what a gentleman of a mate I have. I thought while taking his hand and getting out of the car. We walked towards the pack house, with our hands still intertwined, the sparks flowing from my hand towards my arm were driving me insane, why do I have a gentleman as my mate, being a vampire my desires are something that  aren't gonna help me at all, being vampire is just gonna make it worse. Just one more being I chanted in my head over and over, to divert my attention I looked around and saw that there were some children playing outside in the sunshine, the smell of food could be sensed from miles distance. Eric opened the door of pack house, inside were some pack members maybe in their teens wandering around. " Alpha you are back?" one of them approached Eric. " Finally, I'm back Brain." Eric replied with a contented sigh. " Hello Luna, I'm Brain the former beta" he said introducing himself. "former? You look pretty young to retire." I said. " ah, actually after Jordan took the position he changed everything and gave the important position to his loyal servants, hopefully everything will be back on track, now that Alpha is back. " he said carefully eyeing Eric. After our little introduction Eric and Brian started talking about pack business, like how are the preparations for ceremony going, what are the new laws and how is he going to change them for better, I kind of zoned out thinking about where are we going to stay, as he needs some time to make things right in his pack we can stay here for a month or two but we have to ultimately return to the Palace. Even though I left my kingdom unattended for a few years but now that I am officially back I cannot do it again casually. Now that I have taken things in my hand I need to make sure to protect my throne. A kingdom is not as simple as it looks. Every single person in a kingdom dreams to rule it one day but the one who actually rules it has to survive all the challenges that time throws their way. I have inherited this throne from my parents, they died as a result of someone's greed. How can I let them die in vain. I am going to protect everything that I have, and that first step is to take my enemies throne away from him, leaving him completely helpless and alone.
   "Ariel?", my mate called my name pulling me out of my thoughts. " yes" I replied looking slightly dazed under his gaze, wow that rhymes, I knew that I should have become a poet. " the breakfast." he reminded me. He then took my hand and leaded me towards the dining room. The room was actually pretty modern, floor covered with shinning tiles and a black dining table surrounded by 16 chairs all occupied by the alpha's and their mates, the dining room was actually divided into five portions, first for alphas, second I guess for betas, third maybe for gammas and the rest for pack members. Even though I have already looked around the pack house once while trying to find Eric, I wouldn't mind him giving me a proper tour of this place. Cause I only knew the rooms but didn't knew whom they belong to.

Eric sat on the head's chair while I sat on his right. The dining table was full of different types of food like, pasta, sandwiches, fried eggs, orange juice. I looked around and saw that there were 4 alphas sitting with their mates while 3 were sitting alone. I recognized some of them from my welcome party.
" Good morning alpha's, I hope that all of you are comfortable here, and I'm thankful to all of you for your precious time. As you all know that I have officially resumed my responsibilities as alpha since yesterday, so I hope that from now onwards all the pack matters and alliances will be discussed with me. And I would also like to invite you all for the ceremony next week. You all can stay here for a week if you like, apart from this I would also like to change some things within my pack which requires your cooperation, if you all have time then we can discuss after this meal. " Eric said to the alpha's. They all just nodded their heads and began eating. I looked at Eric and gave him a reassuring smile. I tried to pull back my hand to eat but he was too stubborn to let go, I was also enjoying holding his hand so I began eating with my left hand. The food not only looked good but it tasted delicious as well. Eric kept filling my plate and I was doing the same for him, the result was that I over ate. After the breakfast was over the Alpha's left for the meeting while Luna's decided to take a walk in the backyard. The backyard was not bad it was like a mini garden with all the flowers, trees and especially a fountain that was bringing out life to it. Apart from this there was a white coloured swing in one part of the garden and a table with couple of chairs under the shade, all together it was perfect area for evening tea. I removed my shoes and let my feet touch the cold grass and enjoyed my walk along with other Luna's. We made small talks on different topic but apart from that I didn't speak much. I had nothing in common with them and I actually didn't mind when they were busy talking among themselves. I was just enjoy some peace, you all can guess by now that I am kind of an introvert infront of people whom I meet for the first time.

After sometime the alpha's were done with their meeting. They came into the backyard and took their mates with them. From their expressions it looks like the meeting went well. Eric was the last one to come, he was walking towards me like a friking model, like he owned this damn world. My eyes were instantly glued on him, following his movement. As my eyes trailed from his body towards his eyes, I found him staring at me. Our eyes were locked till he reached at a distance of two feet from me. I was still staring at him The sound of someone clearing their throat got us out of our little world. The alphas and their respective Lunas were staring at us with an expression saying totally whipped. They all laughed at us saying "newly mated couple".

After the meeting all the alphas left for their pack, promising to come back before the ceremony. We all said our goodbyes and some Lunas even hugged me before going. " finally". My mate sighed. " Finally" I copied him. He flashed me a smile and then we went back to the pack house. I was feeling happy because everything turned out well. The only thing bothering me was that why haven't I seen Jordan and Liam yet?.

Crimson Moon's Ascension : The Vampire's Alpha Where stories live. Discover now