Beginning Of Revenge

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Ariel's pov :

After the party we were tired as hell and went straight to our rooms after the last group of guests left at about 3 am. I changed into a comfortable oversized shirt, removed my makeup and went to sleep.

Next day I woke up to see its already 10 O'clock. I got off my bed rushed towards the washroom took a bath and changed into a yellow floral dress that reached mid thigh, applied light makeup.

I wore a bracelet and a pendent given to me by my parents, with 2 inch brown heels to complete the look.

Now that I am back in my kingdom I have to pay attention to my look and my habits to set a nice role model(that means no more oversized and cozy clothes (crying inwardly)).

I headed towards the dinning room which had goldish brown walls and consisted of two head chairs, one for the queen and her king.

Ten more chairs at the right and left of a brown coloured big table for queen's trusted people and their respective mates.

There were some candle holders on the table and three middle sized chandeliers hanging on the top, the room had big window giving it an overall bright look.

The scene in front of me was exciting giving me some evil ideas, Samantha was sleeping with her head on Jackson's lap where as Jackson and Alan were sleeping with their heads on the table. They all seemed to have a hangover after the party last night.

Little angel Ariel on the right "look at how peacefully they are sleeping". My evil side took over and I poured a bucket of water on them. Three of them woke up with a shocked expression mixed with anger, they looked around to kill the person who did this to them.

Their eyes landed on me and an evil smile made it's way to their faces they all stood up at once and hugged me tightly making my dress wet as well. There was water all over the floor and I being the luckiest person I am tripped over nothing and fell down. "Did you just fell?" Samantha asked me "No I was testing gravity" I said trying to stand again but my luck bought me down by getting me tripped over water this time. To make matters worse I choked on air while trying to control my laughter. " You are really talented Ariel" Alan said with an amused expression.

"It takes a real talent with a little help from karma to trip over nothing and choke on air at the same." I said completely annoyed. The three of them were laughing at me when Alan choked on the air as well" now it proves that we are meant to be together" they looked at me and then at each other before I could figure out anything they all started to tickle me. There goes my effort in making a reputation thank God that no one was around at this time.

We played together for some time then Samantha made breakfast for four of us.
"Now let's get down to business, first of Samantha since you are one of us now so you should know about our friends and foes" I said getting into business mode.

"Let's start with our friends" Alan said. "No one, As for our enemies " Jackson interrupted. "Everyone". I completed. Samantha stared at us for a moment before she could say something I started explaining " About three years ago the former king, queen, Lady fionaa, Sir John, Lady Maria and Sir Meson a.k.a formers King's sibling and their beloved.

All used to live together in this palace , they were nice with everyone and had many friends.

I said with tears filling my eyes." One day the beta of a werewolf pack along with his mate came to the Palace asking for alliance. The former king denied the alliance because he didn't wanted to get involved in werewolves business." Alan continued his own eyes filling with tears.

"That werewolf beta asked to stay in the palace for a few days saying that his mate was pregnant and it is not safe for her to travel now. The king and queen being nice person allowed him to stay till her mate gives birth." Jackson spoke this time.

"But that little fucker used this opportunity to know about the security of the palace. He offered the former butler to join hands with him so that he can kill the king and give him the title. The butler blinded by his greed agreed and they planned an attack".

I continued "After few days the king followed by his queen and siblings was out on a picnic. That traitor took this chance to kill all of them by poisoning their air with a help of a powerful Witch. After their death their children took over their position. That werewolf beta after eliminating the king and his fellows now wanted to get rid of their children as well."At this moment Jackson and Alan were both hugging me tightly." but the children learned about his evil intentions. Their children in order to take revenge killed the former butler and his mate. When they were about to kill the werewolf beta, The werewolf court sent the order to punish him according to their laws and wanted him to be handed over.

The children new to their position had to cooperate. " I started crying while hugging Alan and Jackson. Samantha looked at us with a sympathetic expression " it was your story wasn't it you are the daughter of former king, Alan is the son of Lady Fiona and Sir John and Jackson is the son of Lady Maria and Sir Meson. You mind think it's weird but I loved lady Fiona to core she was my bias and true symbol of bravery. "Samantha said.

"Too bad you never met her in real life then, but now you won't have to worry about your in-laws anymore ". Jackson said trying to enlighten the mood a little." just ex mates "Alan interrupted." What do you mean by that? " Samantha asked giving death glares to Alan at the mentioning of ex mate."The witch mentioned earlier was the mate of former delta. After we killed her coven and her mate she cursed us to get rejected by our first mates." Jackson explained. "That's not a bad thing right? I mean you get your second mate." Samantha asked.

"Actually the thing is that mates after rejecting their other half always regret it because they declined the one destined for them." Alan said. "Can you just explain it in simple words?" Samantha said getting furious with the first mate thing. "Alright our ex mates are going to challenge our mates for their position and they may or may not join hands together." I said "Whaaaaat? " Samantha said freaking out.

"Chill Samantha Jackson's ex mate was a rouge you can easily win over her". Alan and me said at the same. "plus see my ex mate is not powerful either the only one remaining is Alan's ex mate let's hope she is not that powerful or the things might get a bit messy. For now let's just focus on us.

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