The Long-Awaited Namkook Epilouge... (2/7)

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"Namjoon?" Jungkook stares at him with wide eyes.

There he is, Kim Namjoon standing there in the flesh.

The two years where they haven't seen each other have been very kind to Namjoon. For one, he had glasses now which gave him bonus hot points.

He was in casual clothes, like boyfriend-material college student clothes. Not the formal and professional outfits he wore to school each day. Jungkook's never seen casual looking Namjoon before, and his eyes were blessed with this beautiful sight of the man.

Jungkook looks at him from head to toe. "I- w-wow."

Namjoon only chuckles at Jungkook's reaction, bringing his hand up to scratch the back of his neck, "yeah, surprising to see you here, too."

"I volunteer at this hospital," Jungkook says as he plays with the hem of his shirt.

Suddenly he's back to high school when he was a gay mess. Not that I'm saying he isn't one anymore, but he's improved a bit with his hormones.

Jungkook watches as Namjoon's eyebrow raises an surprise. "You volunteer here? Really? That's amazing Jungkook, what do you do?"

"Oh," Jungkook let's out a small cough. Namjoon's always been this way, talking in an excited manner whenever it came to Jungkook.

"I sing to the patients," he explains. "I don't earn much money other than tips, but I'm really enjoying it. The old ladies love me."

Namjoon laughs out loud. "Is that so? Good to see that you've been doing good after high school. So you in college now?"

"Yep, I'm a film major in SNU," Jungkook answers. "What about you?"

"In my first year of teaching as a middle school English teacher," Namjoon proudly says.

Jungkook smiles softly at that. "How's that going?"

"Great," he answers. "The kids aren't as scary as I feared they would be."

And Jungkook couldn't help but giggle at that.

"I think they're trying their best to make my job easy for me," he continues. "I've seen how they act in other classes and they aren't as behaved as they are when they're with me."

"I mean, you were everyone's favorite back when you were student teaching," Jungkook states as a matter of fact.

"Was I?"

"Seriously?" Jungkook gives him a look. "All the girls had a crush on you. And I think Ms. Shon did too before you got on her bad side."

"Ew," Namjoon blurts out, making Jungkook laugh out loud.

"You didn't know?" he says between his laughs.

"No!" Namjoon shakes his head. "I was too nervous to notice anything!"

"Well, good to hear you're doing great too," Jungkook says before asking, "so what're you doing here?"

"Oh, me?"

"No, I meant the ghost behind you," Jungkook deadpans.

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