Ch. 10 - Oh My!

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"So, how was your first day of tutoring?" Jimin asks Jungkook.

"It was good... why do you ask?" Jungkook gives him a suspicious look.

"Uhh because I'm a concerned friend about your grades?" Jimin replies.

"Well, he's actually teaching me a lot." Jungkook says in a quiet tone, which is unusual of him.

He knew he was speaking in that tone, but he didn't know why. His heart relate increased, his face cheeks were heating up, and the image of Namjoon's dimple smile made Jungkook go oh my my.

"I'm not surprised," Hoseok speaks. "Mr. Kim seems like he'll be a great teacher. I'd rather have him than Ms. Shon."

"Is she really that bad?" asks Jimin.

"Yes, yes she is." Hoseok and Jungkook nod at him.

As they were on their way to their first hour class, Hoseok caught a glimpse of Yoongi struggling to hold a stack of textbooks in the sea of students. Seeing this, Hoseok excused himself from his friends to go help Yoongi.

The male didn't notice him walking over, too busy trying to balance the books before dropping them and embarrassing himself. It was when Hoseok took more than half the stack of textbooks from Yoongi's hand, was when he finally nodded him.

"Oh," was all Yoongi said. He didn't know what else to say honestly.

Thank you?

Is it heavy?

You're so selfless, marry me?

"Where you heading too?" Hoseok asks Yoongi.

"My first hour class," answers Yoongi. If you look closely, you can see a light shade of pink on his cheeks. And no, it's not makeup.

"Okay, lead the way." Hoseok smiles at him, nodding his head to the direction Yoongi was going.

The two start walking with the stack of books in hand, this time Yoongi wasn't struggling like before. Hopefully Hoseok wasn't either.

So Yoongi glanced at Hoseok's arms, seeing no sign of struggle. Instead, he saw muscle.

Thank you for wearing a short sleeve shirt, Yoongi smiles to himself.

"Thanks for helping me," Yoongi thanks him.

"No problem," Hoseok shrugs. "I saw you struggling to carry these textbooks. So as a good friend, I decided to help you."

Yoongi smiles at this, thinking about how such boyfriend material Hoseok was. His future girlfriend would be lucky.

"I'm excited for Saturday," Hoseok says.

"Yeah me too. I'm excited to hang out with my bro," Yoongi jokes, leaning in closer to Hoseok to elbow him. The action making Hoseok chuckle softly.

"I've never hung out with a friend out of school before," he says.

It's true. As mentioned in the first chapter, Hoseok didn't have any friends at his old school. Even before that when he had a few close acquaintances, they never hung out before.

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