Final - First Snowfall

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After the party, everyone leaves one by one. Taehyung and Jimin leaving with red faces, and not because of the cold temperature. Even after the bad day he had earlier, Jungkook was smiling at his friends. As for Jin, he couldn't stop thinking about a certain Jackson Wang.

Hoseok and Yoongi didn't want their nights to end just yet, so they went on a walk. A walk that led them to the park near the school. The same park they first kissed. Yeah, that park.

It was cold out, Yoongi's hands specially. Hoseok noticed this when he saw Yoongi frequently rubbing his hands together, placing them in his pocket, then blowing his hot air on it. Seeing this, Hoseok took Yoongi hands in his own, warming them together before placing Yoongi's hand in his pocket along with his.

"I saw this in a drama," he says to him. "Thought of trying it out with you."

Yoongi blushed and smiles at him, "What other things do you wanna try with me?"

"Hmm," Hoseok thinks. "I saw one scene where a couple was kissing in the rain. Looks fun."

Yoongi giggles at his answer. "One day."

A comfortable silence fills the air as they both enjoyed each other's presence. Yoongi looked up at the vast, dark grey sky. For some reasons, when he sees the empty, starless sky up there. He feels reminiscent, and he thinks about how small he was compared to it.

But for the record, Hoseok shines brighter than the sky. Even with that stupid, sun shining down on earth. Hoseok to him, shined brighter than any star in the universe.

"Say," Hoseok breaks the silence, turning to his boyfriend. "Have you looked more into becoming a piano instructor?"

"Yes, actually." Yoongi nods. "And I think my decision is solid."

"That's great!" Hoseok cheers, but then sees Yoongi's face. And he can tell that there was something bothering him. "Or not?"

"It is great," Yoongi sighs. "But I don't know how I'm gonna tell my parents."

"Are they strict?"

"They're Asian."

"Mine are too," Hoseok shrugs. "Is it because you guys already settled on you becoming a lawyer?"

"Mm," Yoongi hums, nodding his head.

"You should tell them," Hoseok says.

"That's what Taehyung and Jin say," Yoongi replies. "They want me to get a high-paying job so I don't end up living on the streets."

"I don't think you'll be sleeping on the streets if you were a piano instructor," Hoseok shakes his head.

Yoongi smiles softly at him. "I don't want to disappoint them if I become something that isn't a lawyer."

"If they're disappointed in you for that, then that isn't good parenting," Hoseok states. "I mean, I'm not a daddy-"

"Don't say that, that's weird," Yoongi glares at him in a playful manner.

"You're just dirty minded," Hoseok elbows. "But back to the point... I'm no parent, but I do know that any good parent would want their kid to pursue a career they're at happy with. As long as they've got their own plan, I'll support them."

Hoseok really is daddy-material, Yoongi thinks to himself.

"If they don't support you, others will." Hoseok mumbles, but loud enough for him to hear. "I'll support you."

This puts a giant smile on Yoongi's face, and he squeezes Hoseok's hand in his. "Thanks Seok."

"No problem, Yoon," Hoseok giggles, bringing his finger up to boop Yoongi's button nose. The sudden action making Yoongi blush.

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