Ch. 22 - Really Really

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"I knew you liked him," was what Hoseok said once Jungkook finished telling them about how he ended his tutoring sessions with Namjoon a few minutes ago. After that, Jungkook left the library to go to the music room where he knew Hoseok and Yoongi were.

He told them everything, especially about how he felt for Namjoon.

"I fucking like that motherfucker!" was what he told them.

Hoseok wasn't surprised to hear about Jungkook's feelings for Namjoon. It was so obvious how much he liked him. He was just surprised he didn't admit it earlier. But he's not one to talk, cause he didn't admit his feelings either.

He was kind of glad that Jungkook told him this though, cause somehow Jungkook's sad love life had made Hoseok forget about his own problems. So that was a plus, I guess.

Just a reminder that everyone's life sucks, and you're not the only one suffering alone.

"Maybe you should just tell him," Yoongi speaks.

"Nani?" Jungkook stares at Yoongi with wide eyes. "You want me to tell our student teacher that I like him? Are you an idiot?"

Yoongi scoffs at him. "You better watch your mouth. I'm the one trying to help you."

"This is gonna ruin everything," Jungkook groans. "Stupid feelings are so stupid. I just wanted to find someone who will be the flip to my flop, and that someone not being my freakin' student teacher."

"Your flip to your what?" Hoseok repeats.

"Jungkook, Mr. Kim is leaving next month." Yoongi states. "After that, you won't ever see him again. So does it matter?"

"I mean, I'll be embarrassed if he like, rejected me or something." Jungkook muttering, twiddling his fingers together.

"And you're gonna let him leave without getting those feelings out?"

"He's my student teacher..." Jungkook says.

"He will be until before winter break," Yoongi reminds him. "I'm just saying, you're gonna probably want some kind of closure. It's not like you two need to date after that, just something to get off your chest. You know?"

"Mm," Jungkook hums. "So how'd you confess to each other?"

"Uh-" they both blushed at the question.

"Oh, how did we?" Yoongi asks himself while playing with the silver earring on his right ear. Something he did a lot because he's a shy boy.

Hoseok loves shy boys.

He smiles when he remembers how they both confessed to each other, right here in this same room. The magical room where they had properly met each other, and hung out almost every day after school. The same room where they confessed to each other and started their relationship.

"I like you. Beat that."

"I like you too. Uno reverse."

Ahh, good times.

Good times before Hoseok came up with that stupid lie that is stupid.

"It just sort of happened," Yoongi shrugs in tiny. "We were talking... and then he said he liked me."

"Then he said 'Uno reverse'," Hoseok adds.

"For real?" Jungkook asks. "Is it that easy?"

"Not really," Yoongi shook his head. "Takes a lot of courage."

"I don't got that," Jungkook deadpans.

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