Ch. 7 - Success

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"Mr. Kim is tutoring you?" Hoseok asks, after splitting up with Jimin. The two on their way to the English class.

Jungkook had already mentioned to Hoseok and Jimin that he got a English tutor, and Hoseok brought the topic up once again so their walk to English class wouldn't be awkward. Social skills 100.

"Yeah," Jungkook nods, as if it weren't a big deal.

Like this wasn't gonna be the start of a relationship between a student and student teacher, but he doesn't know that.

"I thought you hated him?" Hoseok deadpans.

"It's not that I hate him-"

"Well," Hoseok cuts him off. "You said you hated English teachers with a burning passion."

"Well, that's English teachers," Jungkook crossed his arms. "Mr. Kim is a student teacher."

"Okay," Hoseok nods, not believing the bullshit Jungkook was saying.

Mr. Kim had only been a student teacher for two days, but from that short period of time Hoseok knew that he was different from other teachers. Hell, everyone knew he was gonna be a hell of a good teacher. Maybe because he was in the same room as Ms. Shon, that he looks like a better teacher than her. I mean, she's awful at her job. He was definitely different form other teachers, and could that be why mister I hate all English teachers does not hate this one?

"Yo," Hoseok snaps out of his thoughts when he feels a hand on his shoulder. When he turns to his right, he sees Yoongi standing there. This time, the once blonde male had light blue hair. The color of cotton candy, that just made Hoseok want to munch on it. Despite being someone's hair, but that's kinda creepy.

"Woah," he says when he sees Yoongi's hair.

"Yeah," Yoongi shyly plays with the strands. "Dyed it last night."

"It's pretty," Hoseok compliments him. He wasn't even thinking when the word 'pretty' leaves his mouth. Makes it seem like he was flirting, but he wasn't. Right?

"Ahh," Yoongi chuckles softly, playing with his silver earrings. The pink cheeks contrasting with his blue locks and pale skin. "Thanks, Seo- Hoseok."

"Since when did you two become friends?" Jungkook asked them. "All he did was share his notes with you, is it that easy?"

"Well," Hoseok glanced at Yoongi before speaking. "I guess we just kind of clicked."

Yoongi smiles at that, "I guess so."

Jungkook gives Yoongi a weird look. "I've never seen you smile before."

In to which Hoseok elbows him, giving Jungkook a weird look.

"Uh," Hoseok turns back to Yoongi. "Do you dye your hair a lot?"

"Yeah," Yoongi nods. "I do it pretty often."

As mentioned before, Yoongi was still thinking about whether or not he did want to be a lawyer. It's what his parents want—good future, but what's the point of a new future if he wasn't gonna he happy with his profession?

What does success even mean?

Everyone has their own meaning for the word. Money, happiness, satisfaction.

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