Ch. 24 - Flash Flash Hundred Yard Dash

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"All done," Hoseok sighs out after sealing the envelope, placing a sticker on top of it. It was a cute sticker of a sun with cute beady eyes, and a smile shaped as a heart.

He appreciates the truth, Hoseok reminds himself. Yeah, he'll appreciate the truth.

"Awww you look cute!" Taehyung coos at the boy, who's blushing hard.

Jungkook had just gotten a haircut the other day. Just a little trim, but he looked different since it was styled to reveal a bit of his forehead. Before, his hair had covered it entirely. Jimin always teased him for having a coconut head, but he was just jealous of Jungkook's luscious locks. At least that's what Jungkook says in response.

"I'm sure your little crush would love your new hair," Yoongi elbowed him.

"Crush?" Jimin screeches. "Who? Who? Tell me, who?"

"Jeez," Junngkook covered his face with his hands in embarrassment. "That's none of your-"

"Mr. Kim," Yoongi deadpans.

"Your student teacher!?" Jimin gapes at him.

"Shut up," Jungook squeals, hiding away his pretty hands.

"Oh I've seen him," Taehyung crossed his arms. "And let me tell you, he looks mighty fine. Jungkook's got some good ass taste."

"Oh yeah I do," he says in a sarcastic tone. "Thanks Tae, that makes me feel a thousand times better."

"Jeez, just tryna shine some light with my stupid comments."

"I'm sorry," Jungkook apologizes. "It just sucks."

"I know how you feel, man." Jin wraps an arm around his shoulder. "I once had a crush on this guy who didn't even know I existed."

"What'd you do?" asked Jungkook.

"Went to his concert," he stated. "Got front row seats, touched his hand, and I fell in love at that moment. I'm sure he did too. I mean I would if I saw myself."

"So it was an idol," Yoongi sighs. "Why am I not surprised?"

"Would the mirror count too?"

"You're no help."

There's always that one two people in the group of friends who just can't stop bickering. Not a single day goes by where the two aren't roasting each other, or fighting over something petty. It was fun to watch, very entertaining.

Hoseok laughed at the two's bickering. Still, on the back of his mind was the letter that is sitting in his backpack. He was really nervous, even though he shouldn't be. Well, actually maybe he should be. Yoongi might not like the fact that Hoseok lied to him, but at least he's telling the truth now than later. Or maybe he should have done it earlier?

God Hoseok can you stop thinking about it? It's making me more nervous, he groans at himself.

Do you ever just wanna slap yourself sometimes?

I do, especially with this whole thing called 'writers block'. It's really no help at all with my insecurities about writing books on time because I'm scared my readers are gonna dump me and leave me for another Sope writer who's got way more reads and votes than me, and is overall better than me. I used to have a solid schedule where I'd update my books really often, but I'm been having troubles with it lately cause I'm uploading once a week. That makes me want to crawl into a hole and never be seen again.

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