Part 1

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The Wicked train was on time, but we however were a little late, and this plan wouldn't work if we were late. I hoped Jorge and Brenda were doing their part already while we caught up. It took nearly 3 months to plan this out, no way was I giving up now. I wasn't sure how, but I had my life back for now. It was miracle that I'd survived this long, but the only miracle happening today was getting Minho out of that train.

"Step on it!" I told Vince who was driving. I was hanging off the edge of the vehicle going nearly 90 miles per hour, but fear was the last thing on my mind.

"Brenda, I'm coming up behind. Keep them busy," Thomas said into his walkie. Vince did, in fact, step on it and we lurched forward. I gripped onto the car with arms of steel, nothing but the plan and the train on my mind. When we got closer to the tracks, I sat back down on the back seat, holding onto the seatbelt. Vince jumped the track, driving on it right behind the train.

"This is crazy, guys!" Vince screamed once we had stopped jerking around. We got a little closer and I leaned forward and tapped Thomas' chest to let him know now was the time. He quickly unbuckled himself and climbed his way onto the front hood of the car. I squished into the front seat then hung out the door, which we'd removed for this exact purpose, waiting for my turn to go.

"Get closer," I told Vince as Thomas grabbed the hook on the front of our car. I could feel the car trying to give out since we were pushing it to hard, but I just needed a little more time. Thomas stabbed the hook onto the back of the train, and I leaned further out, already moving to get on the hood. "Go, go, go!"

Thomas jumped onto the ladder on the back of the train and climbed up to give me room. Being on the hood going this fast was scarier than I thought it'd be, but I pushed it from my mind and leapt off. I gripped the bars of the ladder, looking back at Vince to give him a thumbs-up. He put the car in neutral and slunk onto the hood, but when he tried to jump, the tire blew.

Vince toppled, nearly getting his face caught in the rim of the tire still spinning and giving off sparks. "Vince, come on!" I yelled. "You gotta jump!" He was farther than we had been, but he took the risk. He grabbed onto the bottom of the train, his feet scraping the track, and the hook snapped off the train. The car hit a bump and flew off the track, smashing into pieces. Vince pulled himself up, and I did what I could to help, but he was a muscular man which made him heavy.

"Everyone good?" Thomas asked.

"We're good," I said. Vince looked back and cursed. Maybe we weren't good. I looked back to see the conductors had called in backup, and the pilot flying the plane was headed here.

The plane opened their weapons and Thomas said into the walkie, "Hey, Brenda, you got company." They started shooting, but I couldn't see if they hit them or not. I pushed Thomas' ass, yelling for him to go, and he started to climb up to the top.

"Thomas, you're on your own. Don't die," Brenda said. Thomas paused to wish her luck then kept going up. We got to the top and ran across the cars, jumping over the spaces when we needed to. There were five or six guards coming our way, each with guns. Vince jumped down between the cars to unhook them, then Thomas jumped down to cover below. I pulled out my gun, something I didn't want to use, but in this situation, it seemed like it would be more useful than my throwing knives.

When they came into view for Thomas, he popped off shots at them. I laid down on the top, ignoring the hot metal, and shot at anyone who tried to stand. Vince threw up the red ball that told me to take cover and it flew away as I grabbed onto the railing above them. The bolt holding the cars together exploded, jostling me on the top, but I kept hold. The train lurched to a sudden stop, no longer being pulled by the front, and I slid down with Thomas and Vince.

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