Part 9

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"Why did she do that?" I asked.

"I don't know, but she's got something planned."

"To help us or to trap us?"

"I wouldn't put that much faith in her." We fell silent as we walked down the halls. This place was crawling with doctors and nurses, identifiable by their clothing, but they didn't seem to be paying us much mind since the fire sirens were blaring. If anyone recognized us, they didn't say anything. Smart, since we were the ones with the semi-automatics.

With a gentle push from Thomas, we turned into a dark room, hiding there as more and more guards filled the halls. They were searching for us, so we had to lay low until they thinned out. I guess my breathing must've alerted Thomas to my fear because he held my hand gently. "It'll be okay. Just stay calm."

"Yeah..." When the guards had finally spread out, we ventured back into the halls.

"Act like you belong."

"What the hell else would I do? Break into song and dance?" I quipped, but it was just my nerves talking. Thomas knew that and wisely chose not to comment on it. It was like my every nerve was constricted with anxiety.

Thomas stopped suddenly, staring down the hall to his left, and I looked down to see Ava Paige staring right back at us. He lifted his handgun at her, and I saw Janson coming up on the other hall. "Thomas!" I yelled, pushing him out of the way of Janson's bullet. He kept shooting as we turned down another hallway, but luckily, neither of us had been hit.

I didn't realize that we looked terrifying until we turned and everyone started screaming. Although, that was probably thanks to the guns in our hands. Thomas had switched to his large one, and I ignored the people running away as if we'd come for the sole purpose of blowing their brains out.

"Minho!" I shouted, unsure where to even begin looking for him. A guard darted out from a hall and Thomas thought quick on his feet, shooting him with a taser bullet. Two more showed up, so I shot one as we turned down the hall directly on our left. Thomas called Minho's name as I did, but his voice was deeper and traveled further. It didn't stop me from trying. "Minho, where are you?!"

We shot at any guard who tried to stop us, and everyone who didn't wear a uniform scurried out of our way. A rainfall of bullets suddenly started and I just barely missed being shot. Thomas cursed as we ran from it, his gun jamming. Throwing it to the side, he brought out his handgun instead.

A yelling guard on my left alerted me to the two running up. Without thinking, I shot them both down and quickly turned my sights back to the ones who had been on our asses. Any of them that dared to poke out into this hall would get shot at. I kept backing up even though Thomas stopped to set his shots.

Another one came from a second hall to my left and I shot him down with little to no reaction time. This was almost becoming easy.

"Y/N, get down." Thomas dragged us both into the hall I'd just cleared when too many guards showed. "Shit, I'm almost out." He rolled onto the balls of his feet, shooting his last few bullets at them. My eyes caught on the body I'd shot. I recognized something on him and I knew its purpose well. Pulling the taser bomb out of his jacket, I activated it.

"Thomas, get back!" I pulled him out of the way as I tossed the bomb down the hallway. I watched the guards analyze what was happening, look up at me like 'oh, shit', then the taser bomb exploded, electrocuting them all at once.

"Nice, Minx," Thomas said, impressed as his hand rested softly on my lower back. Not wasting any time, we ran down the hall, turning into a doorway that connected this one to another. His arm shot out in front of me, holding me back when a guard stepped in front of us.

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